Assembly Item Records

You can create an assembly item record to track each assembly and its component items. The assembly record details member items and the quantity of each member required for each assembly. For more information, see Building Assembly Items.


With the release of NetSuite 2023.1 Bills of Materials, where components are embedded to an Assembly Item, will no longer be supported. Only business critical issues will be fixed. To continue working with this functionality you should transition to the Advanced Bill of Materials feature, which is free of charge. After you enable this feature, NetSuite will automatically migrate all of your Bill of Materials to the new structure.

Available Member Items

The following table displays the available member item types:

Regular Inventory Assembly

Serial or Lot Numbered Inventory




Serialized Inventory

Other Charge

Lot Numbered Inventory



Regular Assemblies

Other Charge

Kit Items



Regular Assemblies


Serialized Assemblies


Lot Numbered Assemblies

Assembly Items in Item Lists

To make an inventory item available in your assembly build but not for sale, do not choose an income account on the item record.

By not setting an income account on an inventory item's record, the item does not appear in the sales transaction’s items list. The item is sold as part of the finished goods assembly the item belongs to, which has its own income account.

If you do not set an expense account on a non-inventory item for resale, the item does not appear in the purchase transaction’s item list.

Assemblies and Serial/Lot Numbered Members

Serialized and lot numbered items cannot be included as member items in a regular assembly item.

  • A non-serialized assembly cannot include a serialized or lot numbered member item.

  • A non-lot numbered assembly cannot include a serialized or lot numbered member item.

Serialized or lot numbered inventory items can be members of an assembly only if the assembly is serialized or lot numbered.

  • A serialized assembly can include a serialized or lot numbered member item.

  • A lot numbered assembly can include a serialized or lot numbered member item.

Related Topics

General Notices