Giving Vendors Access to Time Tracking

Giving vendors access to time tracking allows them to enter the hours they spend working on a project.

There are three steps to complete to give vendors access to time tracking:

  1. An administrator must enable the Time Tracking features and set time tracking preferences. For more information, see Understanding Time Tracking.

  2. Create a vendor record for any vendor that you want to give access to time tracking. For more information about creating vendor records, see Creating a Vendor Record.

  3. Do one of the following:

Give a Vendor Access to Vendor Center

If you enable project features required to use job costing and project budgeting, note the following. Vendors can enter time using the Vendor Center if the vendor is identified as a resource on the Resource subtab of a Project.

For information about the required features, see Enabling Project Features.

For information about how to identify a vendor as a project resource, see Identifying a Vendor as a Project Resource.

You should follow this procedure to let vendors set a NetSuite password themselves. However, if you prefer to set their passwords yourself, see the procedure in Manually Setting a Vendor’s Password instead.

To give the vendor access to the Vendor Center:

  1. Go to Lists > Relationships > Vendors.

  2. Click Edit next to the vendor you want to give access to.

  3. Enter the vendor's email address.

  4. Click the Access tab.

  5. Check the Give Access box.

  6. Check the Send New Access Notification Email box to notify your vendor of this new access. The notification email includes the email address (used for logging in to NetSuite) and explains login procedures. It also contains a URL so that the vendor can set up a NetSuite password.

    Checking this box means is not necessary for you to enter a password or check the Require Password Change on Next Login box.


    You should let the vendor create a password for NetSuite from the URL in the notification email. However, if you prefer to assign a password for the vendor, see Manually Setting a Vendor’s Password.

  7. In the Role column, select Vendor Center.

  8. Click Add to assign the vendor this role.

  9. Click the Time Tracking subtab.

  10. In the Time Approver field, select an employee to approve any time tracked by this vendor.

    If this field is blank, tracked is automatically approved unless entered against a project with project time approval preferences defined. For more information, see Approving Time and Expenses for Projects.

  11. Click Save.

Assign a Custom Role With the Track Time Permission

Alternatively, you can assign a custom role with proper permissions.

To assign a custom role with track time permission:

  1. Go to Setup > Users/Roles > Manage Roles.

  2. Click Customize next to the role you want to assign with time tracking permission.

  3. Enter a name for this custom role.

  4. Check the Restrict Time and Expenses box to only allow vendors to enter time for themselves.

  5. On the Transactions subtab, select Track Time in the Permission column.

  6. In the Level column, select Full.

  7. Click Add.

  8. Click Save.

Now you can assign this role on the Access tab of vendor records to give access to time tracking. When assigning your custom role, you must also assign a time approver on the Time Tracking subtab of the vendor’s record. If you do not assign a time approver, any time tracked is automatically approved unless entered against a project with project time approval preferences defined.

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