Displaying Items in Site Builder with OneWorld

When a shopper visits your web store and selects a subsidiary from the list, only items published to that subsidiary are displayed on the site.

Note that on the web store, NetSuite automatically displays prices for items based on currency conversion. You must assign an Online price that is equal to the base price if you want to bypass the currency conversion per price level.

To publish items to a subsidiary in Site Builder:

  1. Go to Lists > Accounting > Items.

  2. Click Edit next to an item.

  3. In the Subsidiary field, select the subsidiary you want to associate with the item.


    To make the item available in multiple subsidiaries, press and hold the CTRL button as you select the subsidiaries in the list.

  4. Check the Display in Web Site box.

  5. On the Pricing subtab, enter a price for each currency available online.


    Pricing values are not automatically converted for display in the web store. If you do not enter a price for a currency that is available online, when a shopper selects that currency and region combination on the website, the item is flagged as “Free.”

  6. On the Web Site Categories subtab, select a Site Category for displaying the item online. Click Add.

    For more information about the fields on the Web Store subtab, see Setting Up Items for the Web Site.

  7. Click Save.

For more general information about working with items in NetSuite OneWorld, see Inventory Setup in OneWorld.

For more information about displaying items in your website, see Displaying Items and Information.

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