Keyword Marketing With Search Engines

When you use the Marketing Automation feature in addition to the Advanced Web Reports feature, you can use keyword campaigns to track the effectiveness of paid keywords, including Google Adwords and Yahoo! Sponsored Search.

To use keyword campaigns for tracking paid keywords:

  1. Create or import keyword campaigns in NetSuite for each keyword you plan to purchase.

    For more information, see one of the following:

  2. Provide a URL with the proper lead source parameters when you register each keyword with the keyword service, such as Google or Yahoo!.

    The destination URL should be formatted as follows to ensure that the correct keyword campaign is associated with the customer record:

    You can copy the URL in this format from the campaign record, or you can create the URL using the campaign ID entered on the campaign record.


    When you enter a keyword campaign record in NetSuite, you must only enter the URL for the landing page. When you save the record, the lead source parameter and campaign ID are automatically added to the URL.

  3. Analyze your keyword data using the following Marketing reports:

    • Sales by Paid Keyword Summary and Detail

    • Leads by Paid Keyword Summary and Detail

When a lead clicks the link to your site, the lead source is saved in the cookie received from your website and used in reporting data. This information is maintained no matter how many times the lead leaves your site and returns. When the lead registers with your website or submits an online customer form, the lead source is saved to the record.

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