Budget Category

Budget categories are used with the Multiple Budgets feature to create budgets for a variety of scenarios. Be aware that budget categories are available only if you have the Multiple Budgets feature enabled in your account. See Usage Notes for steps on enabling this feature.

The budget category record is defined in the listAcct (accounting) XSD.

Supported Operations

The following operations can be used with the budget category record.

add | addList | delete | deleteList | get | getAll | getList | update | updateList | upsert | upsertList


You can also use the asynchronous equivalents of SOAP web services list operations. For information about asynchronous operations, see SOAP Web Services Asynchronous Operations. For more information about request processing, see Synchronous Versus Asynchronous Request Processing.

Field Definitions

The SOAP Schema Browser includes definitions for all body fields, sublist fields, search filters, and search joins available to this record. For details, see the budget category reference page.


For information on using the SOAP Schema Browser, see SOAP Schema Browser.

Usage Notes

To use the budget category record, a NetSuite administrator must first enable the Multiple Budgets feature in your account.

To enable Multiple Budgets:

  1. Go to Setup > Company > Setup Tasks > Enable Features.

  2. Click the Accounting tab.

  3. Select the Multiple Budgets check box in the Advanced Features grouping.

  4. Click Save.

After this feature is enabled, any user can create budget categories in the UI. For steps on creating budget categories, see Creating Budget Categories for Local Subsidiary Budgeting in the NetSuite Help Center.

Related Topics

General Notices