Tracking Financial Account Changes

You can use the audit trail function to search for changes made to your financial accounts.

To use the Audit Trail:

  1. Go to Transactions > Management > View Audit Trail ( Administrator ).

  2. Select criteria to quickly find the information you seek.

    For example, which user performed the action, between which dates the transactions were changed, or which account the transactions affected. You can select more than one user, action, transaction type, account, or name by pressing the Ctrl key and selecting with your mouse.

  3. Click Submit.

When the Audit Results page appears, there are 8 columns that contain information:

Click any date in the Date/Time column to view the details of a transaction. When the Audit Results page appears with the particular transaction you selected, click View. The details for this transaction appears. If you want to make changes, click Edit, enter your changes, and then click Save.

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