Line-Level Audit Trail for Transactions


This topic applies to System Notes only. For information about System Notes v2, see System Notes v2 Overview.

The audit trail for transactions includes the ability to track updates to individual line items. You can view the audit trail for individual line items directly from each transaction record's listings for items, expenses, and journal line items.

On a transaction record, each line item includes a History link that you can click to open a new window displaying all updates to that particular line item. This link is visible to users with the Notes Tab permission.


The line-level audit trail does not track the initial creation or deletion of line items. Only updates to existing line items are tracked.

Export Line-Level System Notes Data

This History window includes buttons you can click to export line-level history data as a CSV or XLS file. For more information about the History window's contents, see Transaction Line-Level History Window.

Include Line-Level System Notes in Saved Searches

To review the history of multiple line items at one time, create a transaction saved search that includes one or more Line System Notes fields in its results. You can also use Line System Notes fields as transaction saved search filters to return only selected line-item history data.


The Log System Notes on Update Only preference prevents NetSuite from logging system notes when records are created. When this preference is set, system notes are logged only when records are updated. See Setting General Account Preferences. Before you set this preference in an account that existed before that release, you should first review any saved searches containing system notes fields, as these searches may use data from record creation system notes. If your account includes searches that rely on record creation system notes, you can either revise the searches before setting the Log System Notes on Update Only preference, or you can leave this preference not set.

For example, a case search may use record creation system notes fields to retrieve dates when cases were first escalated. To make this search work with the Log System Notes on Update Only preference set, this search would need to be edited to use expressions and to return values for cases' Date Created field if the escalation date was not available through record update system notes fields.

For custom transaction body fields, if the Log System Notes on Update Only preference is not set, and you have the View access level to a field, the default value of your custom transaction body field is displayed in system notes fields when you create a transaction search. For more information, see Searching System Notes.

Other Ways to View System Notes

You can retrieve other types of transaction system notes in the following ways:

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