Using the Transaction Audit Trail


This topic applies to System Notes only. For information about viewing System Notes v2, see Viewing System Notes v2.

The Transaction Audit Trail enables you to produce a report that provides a detailed history of all transactions entered into NetSuite. The audit trail provides information about the transaction, who entered the transaction, and when the transaction was created or modified.

To view the Transaction Audit Trail, go to Transactions > Management > View Audit Trail. In the NetSuite U.K. edition, go to Transactions > Other.

View Audit Trail Page

On the View Audit Trail page, you can filter the report to limit audit trail results to a manageable number or to focus on a group of specific transactions. Filters can be based on:

Audit Results Page

Select the desired filter options and then click Submit to open the Audit Results page. This list includes the following columns of data:

By default, the Audit Results page sorts transactions by their system-generated internal ID. Click the text at the top of any column to sort the list using that attribute.

The page displays a one-line summary for each transaction. Click a transaction link in the Date/Time column to view details and GL Impact for that transaction.

For more information about audit results data, see Tracking Financial Account Changes.

Other Ways to View System Notes

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