Adding a Custom KPI to the Key Performance Indicators Portlet

Custom KPIs are based on saved searches, so you need to create or select an appropriate search before you add a custom KPI to the portlet. For information, see Creating a New Search to be a Custom KPI or Selecting an Existing Search to be a Custom KPI.

To add a custom KPI to the Key Performance Indicators Portlet:

  1. Click Set Up in your Key Performance Indicators portlet.

  2. In the Set Up Key Performance Indicators popup, click Add Custom KPIs to open the Choose Custom Key Performance Indicators popup window.

    • Click a saved search in the right list to move it to the left list, which indicates that it should be displayed as a custom KPI.

    • Click Done after you have finished selecting KPIs for display.

    • You can choose up to 10 custom KPIs.

    • Custom KPIs are listed with “c” icons. Click an icon for a brief general description of custom KPIs.

  3. For each selected KPI, in the Range list, select the date or period range for which data should be included.

  4. For each selected KPI, in the Compare column, check the box if you want to compare results from the time period defined in the Range list with results from another period defined in the Compare Range list.

  5. For each selected KPI, in the Compare Range list, if you checked the Compare box, select the date or period range for which data should be compared with data from the first range. If you did not check the Compare box, you do not need to make a selection here.

  6. For each selected KPI, in the Highlight If list, select greater than or less than if you want to highlight data that exceeds or falls short of a defined threshold. If you do not want highlighting for this KPI, leave this column blank.

  7. If you selected an option in the Highlight If column, enter the threshold value in the Threshold column.

    If you want the change to be highlighted in the portlet’s headline when the specified threshold value is reached, check the box in the Headline column.

  8. Click Save.

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