Creating a New Search to be a Custom KPI

To better understand the requirements that your saved search must meet to be used as a custom KPI, see Custom KPIs.

You can create an existing saved search to be used as a custom KPI by completing the following steps:

To create a new saved search to be used as a custom KPI:

  1. Choose Reports > Saved Searches > All Saved Searches > New.

  2. In the New Saved Search list, click a search type.

  3. On the Saved Search form, enter a title for the search. (This title will appear in the custom KPI dropdown lists in the Set Up Key Performance Indicators popup and the KPI scorecard.)

  4. On the Criteria subtab, define the filters that will limit the search data, making sure you don’t include date filters as search criteria.


    KPIs cannot enforce summary criteria filters because KPI calculations do not include groupings. If a saved search used as a custom KPI includes any summary criteria filters, the result for the KPI may differ from results when the search is run.

  5. On the Results subtab, define which fields you want to be returned in the saved search results. Make sure you have exactly one field that uses a summary type.

    • If you want to display a count of the number of search results for a KPI, select a number or ID field (such as Number) and set a Count summary type for this field.

    • If you want to display summary data such as sum (total), average, minimum, or maximum, select a field and set the appropriate summary type for it.

  6. On the Available Filters subtab, add a date field to be able to compare saved search results over different date ranges in a Key Performance Indicators portlet, a trend graph, a KPI meter, or a KPI scorecard.

    • If the type of search you have selected does not offer a date column as a filter, you may be able to use a different type of search, for example, a transaction search.

    • If you want to use a saved search as a custom KPI in a scorecard and you have enabled the Use Periods option for a scorecard, only saved searches with a Period filter defined as an Available Filter can be defined as custom KPIs for the scorecard.

  7. When you are done defining the search, click Save. (You can choose Save & Run to verify the search results are what you expect.)

Now you can use the search as a custom KPI and add it to the Key Performance Indicators portlet, add it to a KPI scorecard, or display it in a trend graph portlet. See Adding a Custom KPI to the Key Performance Indicators Portlet , or Using a Custom KPI in a KPI Scorecard.

For more information about creating saved searches, see Saved Searches.

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