Assigning Published Dashboards to Users

You define the users for a published dashboard by selecting one or more roles when you first publish it. After the dashboard has been published, you can add or remove roles to change the users.

All of a published dashboard's information may not be available to all of its users. Users can view only the dashboard content that their assigned roles give them permission to see.

To assign saved dashboards to users:

  1. Go to your home page, and in the Settings portlet, click List next to Publish Dashboard.

    A list of your dashboards appears.

  2. Click Edit next to the name of the dashboard for which you want to change assigned users.

  3. On the Apply To Roles subtab of the Published Dashboard page, you can:

    1. Add a role to which the dashboard should be published by placing the cursor in a blank line, selecting a role from the Role list, and clicking Add.

      By default, for a previously published dashboard Override existing user's settings is set to No, indicating that the dashboard will be published only to new users assigned the selected role. Check this box to change it to Yes if you want to publish the dashboard to existing users with the selected role, replacing their current dashboards.

    2. Remove a previously selected role from the published dashboard's list by selecting the role and clicking the Remove button.

  4. Click Save.

    The published dashboard is applied to users with the selected roles. They may need to log out and log back in to the system for changes to be visible.

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