Updating Payroll Items for Multiple Employees

You can save time by updating employee records in bulk when you update a payroll item. When you update payroll information, the new rates and limits are updated on applicable employee records.


Bulk updates that you make to employee records cannot be undone.

To update employee records with new information on payroll item records:

  1. Go to Lists > Employees > Payroll Items.

  2. Click Edit next to the name of the item.

  3. In the Employees table, beside each employee who should have the payroll item, check the Apply box.

  4. Optionally, enter additional details for the payroll item in the fields provided beside each applicable employee, such as the rate for the employee. For example, if you are adding an Earning:Salary payroll item, you can enter each employees’ salary in the Rate field. The fields are the same as what appears on the employee record when you add earnings, deductions, company contributions, or accrued time for an employee.

  5. Click Save.

    A warning message appears and advises that after you click Save, the previous information is deleted from all employee records. The changes you make cannot be undone.

  6. To save the changes, click OK.

The payroll item is applied to the selected employees. To commit the updates, make sure you update payroll information. For more information, see Updating Payroll Information.

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