Recording Third-Party Sick Pay Payments

Many companies provide short and long-term disability benefits to their employees. Generally, companies purchase these benefit plans from third-party providers that administer the benefits, such as insurance companies.

The third-party provider:

By creating Third-Party Sick Pay payroll items, you can enter the data that you receive from the third-party provider into SuitePeople U.S. Payroll. This ensures that employees receive the appropriate payments and W-2 information.

If an employee elects to receive non-taxable disability payments, NetSuite reports these payments on the employee's W-2, but does not withhold taxes. If an employee elects to receive taxable disability payments, the third-party provider withholds income tax, FICA, and Medicare contributions from the employee's payments.

The following guidelines can help you process Third-Party Sick Pay:

Additional notes:


Only user roles that include Process Payroll with the Full option can commit a payroll batch. These user roles include Full Access: Full, Payroll Manager: Full, and Payroll Setup: Full. For more information, see NetSuite Roles Overview, Showing Role Permission Differences, and Standard Roles Permissions Table.

To record third-party sick pay payments:

  1. Create two payroll earning items: Third-Party Sick Pay Taxable and Third-Party Sick Pay Non-Taxable.

    You can use the most appropriate Payroll Item Type, such as Earning: Salary or Earning:Wage. For more information, see Creating Payroll Items.

  2. Assign a third-party sick pay payroll earning item to the employee who receives the sick pay.

    Refer to Payroll Setup for Employees.

  3. On the Payroll Adjustment page, on Earnings subtab, create a payroll adjustment using a third-party sick pay payroll earning item.

    On the Withholding subtab enter amounts for:

    • Employee's portion of Social Security

    • Federal tax withholding

    • Medicare employee portion

    For more information, refer to Creating Payroll Adjustments.

  4. Save the payroll adjustment.

    NetSuite calculates the required tax amounts.

  5. To submit the adjustment payroll for processing, on the Payroll Batch page, click Commit.

    For more information, refer to Committing a Payroll Batch.

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