How Customers Opt In to Marketing Campaigns

Customers, vendors, partners, and employees can receive email you generate in bulk through campaigns or email merge operations. The messages they receive depend on their global subscription status. For more information about global subscription statuses, see Subscription Management.

The Campaign Subscription Categories feature permits customers to subscribe to some kinds of communication, and avoid communication they do not want. Your account administrator can enable this feature at Setup > Company > Setup Tasks > Enable Features. For more information, see Campaign Subscription Categories.


When a recipient unsubscribes, no one in your company can resubscribe them. Recipients cannot be resubscribed manually on the entity record, or through updates made through CSV import. Only the recipient can choose to resubscribe.

Entities can opt in to your campaign email through one of the following ways:


If an entity unsubscribes to your campaigns, NetSuite unsubscribes any entity record in your account with that entity's email address.

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