Opt-In Email

There are two subscription messages you can send to your customers to let them to set their email preferences: opt-in confirmation email and opt-in invitation email. These email do not count against your monthly email allotment. Best practice is not to spam entities with opt-in email messages. You can check how many opt-in messages have previously been sent to an entity on the Subscription Message History subtab of the Marketing subtab. For more information, see Viewing List of Subscription Messages Sent to a Recipient.


You cannot send opt-in email to recipients who have the Confirmed Opt-Out subscription status.

Opt-In Invitation Email

Opt-in invitation email is used to invite customers to set their subscription preferences, if they have not done so in the past.

If you use the Multi-Language feature, the default invitation email is available in all languages supported by NetSuite. Customers receive the email in their preferred language.

You can customize the email by modifying the default email template or by creating a new email template. See Customizing Templates for System-Automated Email.

To choose an email template as the invitation email, go to Setup > Marketing > Preferences > Marketing Preferences and select it from the Opt-In Invitation Message list.

Opt-In Confirmation Email

You can send confirmation email to customers to let them confirm their current subscription status. This email specifically provides an opportunity for your customers to reaffirm their interest to receive your email. Opt-in confirmation messages assure your customers that you are committed to sending them only the email they want to receive.

If you use the Multi-Language feature, the default confirmation email is available in all languages supported by NetSuite. Customers receive the email in their preferred language.

You can customize the email by modifying the default email template or by creating a new email template. See Customizing Templates for System-Automated Email.

To use a new email template that you create as the confirmation email, go to Setup > Marketing > Preferences > Marketing Preferences. Select it from the Opt-In Confirmation Message list.

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