Creating a Time-Off Type

Use the following procedure to create a time-off type.

To create a time-off type:

  1. Go to Setup > HR Information System > Time-Off Type > New.

  2. In the Name field, enter a unique name for the type. The name specified here appears in time-off lists for time-off requests, time-off plans, and time-off changes.

  3. In the Display Name field, enter how you want the time-off type name to appear to employees. For example, you might have different time-off types for different subsidiaries, departments, or locations. However, you want the type to appear the same to all employees.

  4. To track only the usage of this time-off type, without having an entitlement and accruing a positive balance, check the Track Only box. For example, you might want to check the Track Only box if your company offers unlimited sick days.

    When you change an existing time-off type to track only, future accruals are not calculated. All balance entries prior to the change are saved and displayed in the time-off changes record. For more information, see Viewing an Employee’s Time-Off Balance.

  5. If you are using SuitePeople U.S. Payroll, select a Payroll Item. For more information, see Time-Off Management Integration With SuitePeople U.S. Payroll.


    A time-off type can be associated with only one payroll item. Payroll items used with the Time-Off Management feature must be an Earning type. For more information, Setting up Payroll Items to Work With Time-Off Management.

  6. In the Minimum Increment and Increment Unit fields, specify the minimum increment of time off that is required for this type. Time-off requests cannot be for less than this amount and must be multiples of this amount. Leave the field value at zero or blank to allow employees to enter any value.

    For example, employees must take time off in half-day increments. Set the Minimum Increment field to 0.5, and then, from the Increment Unit list, select Days.

  7. To associate this time-off type with a specific project, select the project from the Project list.

    When you create a project to associate with a time-off type, consider the following:

    • You select Limit Time and Expenses to Resources on the Preferences subtab. Therefore, employees who track time against a project must have Project Resource selected on their employee record.

    • You select Allow Time Entry and Classify Time as Exempt on the Preferences subtab. Employees can track time against a project even if Project Resource is not checked on their employee record.

  8. To associate this time-off type with a specific task on the project, select it from the Project Task list. When you create a project task to associate with a time-off type, enter a value in the Estimated Work field on the Project Task/Milestone page. If you do not enter anything in this field the project task is saved as a milestone. It does not appear in the Project Task list on the time-off type record. For more information, see Project Tasks.

    When you associate a time-off type with a project and project task, reports run for tracked time include time entries generated from time-off requests.

  9. From the color picker, select the color that you want to associate with this time-off type.

  10. Click Save.

Next, create the time-off plan and add the types you created to it. For more information, see Creating a Time-Off Plan.

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