Time-Off Management Integration With SuitePeople U.S. Payroll


This topic applies to you if you have SuitePeople U.S. Payroll in your account. If you are not using Payroll, follow the steps in Time-Off Management Setup to set up the Time-Off Management feature.

If SuitePeople U.S. Payroll is set up in your account, follow the steps in this section to set up the Time-Off Management feature. Time-Off Management and Payroll are interconnected features. They must work together so that time-off accruals and time-off balances are properly tracked. When accruals and balances are correct, your employees are paid correctly and they receive the time off that they are entitled to.

To make sure that accruals and balances are correct, the Time Tracking feature must also be enabled in your account. The diagram below illustrates how the Payroll, Time-Off Management, and Time Tracking features interact:


When an employee books time off, approved time off appears on the employee's timesheet. Approved time entries enter Payroll. Time-off types are associated with payroll items, which are shared with the Time-Off Management system. The employee's accruals are calculated in one of two ways:

Process for Setting up Time-Off Management With Payroll

The following diagram illustrates the process for setting up Time-Off Management with Payroll.


The following topics detail each step in the diagram:

  1. Setting up Payroll Items to Work With Time-Off Management

  2. Associating a Time-Off Type With a Payroll Item

  3. Creating a Time-Off Plan With Payroll

  4. Setting up a Time-Off Rule With Payroll

  5. Updating the Employee Record for Time-Off Management and Payroll

When to Set Up Time-Off Management With Payroll

The changes that you make to time-off information have an impact on payroll information. To avoid errors in payroll calculation, you should set up the Time-Off Management feature only when you are not creating or committing payroll batches. If the Time-Off Management feature is already integrated with SuitePeople U.S. Payroll, note the following. When you make changes to any time-off information, esure that you make those changes only when you are not creating or committing payroll batches. This includes adding new employees to a time-off plan.

View the following videos to see an example of how to set up Time-Off Management with Payroll:

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