Submitting Time-Off Requests on Behalf of Employees as an Administrator

You can submit a time-off request on behalf of employees. The employee must be active and have available time-off entitlements.

Common scenarios where this feature is useful include:

To submit a time-off request on behalf of an employee:

  1. Go to Setup > HR Information System > Time-Off Request.

  2. Click New Time-Off Request.

  3. On the Request Time-Off page, check that Submit On Behalf Of is switched on.

    Screenshot showing the Request Time-Off page an employee would use to request time off. They can choose to request time off on behalf of another employee, and they can enter the dates for the time off with a calendar.
  4. In the Employee field, type the employee’s name. As you type, suggested names appear that match what you have typed.

  5. Click a name or press Enter to select the first employee on the list.

  6. Note that the Auto-Approve box is checked by default so the request is automatically approved upon submission.

    (Optional) If you want the employee’s supervisor to review the request, clear this box.


    This box is checked and unavailable when:

    • The employee selected is set up as a time-off self-approver.

    • The time-off type you select is set up for auto-approval and the request duration is within the auto-approval threshold.

  7. Specify the start and end dates of your request.

    After you specify the date range using the calendar, each day appears in chronological order.

    Screenshot showing the Request Time-Off page an employee would use to request time off. The days off appear in chronological order and they appear as different types of time off, for example a sick day.
  8. For each date in your request, select the type of time-off you are requesting. If the time-off type you select has multiple days available, the corresponding date entries in the list are automatically filled.

    You can also use a combination of time-off types for a time-off request.

  9. To change a time-off type or adjust the duration of the time off, click the Edit icon beside the entry that you want to change.

  10. Make any required changes in the popup window that appears, and click Done.

  11. Review the summary box for a breakdown of your request, and then click Submit.

An email is sent to the employee’s supervisor informing them of the request.

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