Adding Currencies to the Employee Record

If you use multiple currencies, employees can create expense reports in currencies other than your default currency. The Multiple Currencies feature is required to create foreign currency expense reports.

You must define employee currencies for expense reports on the employee record. Only currencies available for your company can be added to an employee’s expense report currencies.


Expenses can be paid through SuitePeople U.S. Payroll only if the reimbursement currency is set to United States Dollars.

To add currencies to the employee record:

  1. Go to Lists > Employees.

  2. Click Edit next the the employee record you want to update.

  3. Click Human Resources.

  4. Click Expense Report Currencies.

  5. In the Currency field, select a currency for this employee. Click Add.

  6. Continue to add any currencies you want this employee to be able to use for expense reports.

  7. In the Default Currency field, select the default currency for this employee’s expense reports.

  8. Click Save.

Currency and Exchange Rate fields are added to the expense report form. An employee’s default currency is automatically selected. You can select a different currency based on the currencies defined on the employee’s record.


If you change the currency on a new expense report after entering expense lines, the existing lines are not automatically updated. You must update the existing lines manually.

When creating a bill payment for an expense report, in the currency field, you can select a currency from the employee’s list of defined currencies.

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