Get Started Performing Ad Hoc

In ad hoc grids, you can enter data and then analyze and change data in many ways by slicing and dicing the data from various angles.

Table 9-1 Actions You Can Take with Ad Hoc Grids

Your Goal Learn More
Get started with ad hoc See Creating an Ad Hoc Grid.
Design the grid for ad hoc See Designing Ad Hoc Grids.
Look at the data from various angles (slice and dice) Use Pivot to refine your analysis by moving dimensions to the POV, column, or row. See Pivoting Dimensions.
Quickly move around an ad hoc grid and enter data using shortcut keys See Ad Hoc Grid Keyboard Shortcuts and Quick Data Entry Commands.
Further focus the data
  • Use Keep Selected and Remove Selected to customize your grid.

  • Use Zoom In to view the next level of detail in a dimension or Zoom Out to a summary level.

Work with different data Select different members using the versatile Member Selector. For example, you can select members based on their attributes, children, level, or branch. See Opening the Member Selector in Ad Hoc Grids.
View source details associated with the underlying data Drill through to Data Integration. See Using Drilling Through to Source in Administering Data Integration for Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud.
Change a value by a specific amount Use Adjust. See Adjusting Values.
Build logic into a data value Use Line Item Details. See About Using Line Item Details.
Explain assumptions behind data Add a comment or attach an external file. See Adding Comments and Attachments.
Control the display and behavior of ad hoc grids Click Property Panel icon (Property Panel), then Ad Hoc property tab icon (Adhoc) tab to manage the display and behavior of ad hoc grids. See Setting Properties for Ad Hoc Grids.
Perform free form ad hoc Type member names into a blank grid and retrieve values. See Using Free-Form Ad Hoc.
Run business rules after performing ad hoc data changes Click Rules to search for and launch business rules. See Applying Rules to Ad Hoc Grids.
Switch to Oracle Smart View for Office Click Actions, and then Open in Smart View. See Opening Forms and Ad Hoc Grids from Web Applications in Smart View for Office User's Guide 23.100.