Overview of Sales User Import

After you create a couple of sales users in the UI to test your setup, you're ready to import the rest using the resource import Excel macro provided by Oracle.

The import creates the resource organizations for each manager, creates the sales resource organization hierarchy, and provisions the users with the job roles and abstract roles they need. You can import up to 5,000 users at a time using the macro. If you import multiple batches of users, you must ensure that each import completes before starting another.

  • Use the import macro only for sales users. You can't use it to import service users or contracts users, for example.

  • You can import additional attributes by appending columns to the import macro, but you can't make any other changes. You can't edit the Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) code or other functions.

Here's an overview of the setup steps for importing users using the import macro.


Applies To



Where to Get More Details


Both Digital Sales and CX Sales

Synchronize sales security information with the LDAP directory before you import sales users for the first time and also after creating any of your own job roles. To retrieve the latest security information, you run the Retrieve Latest LDAP Changes process using the Run User and Roles Synchronization Process task.

Setup and Maintenance > Sales > Users and Security > Run User and Roles Synchronization Process

See the topic: Synchronize Your Sales Application with the LDAP Directory


Both Digital Sales and CX Sales

From article Oracle CX Sales: Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation: Import Macros (Doc ID 2229503.1) on support.oracle.com, download the Resource Import Macro and the .jar file into the same desktop folder.


See the topic: Download the Macro for Importing Sales Users


Both Digital Sales and CX Sales

Here's what to enter in the macro:

  1. Enter the business unit and the legal entity. You can obtain these from the Review Company Information task you completed earlier.

  2. Download any additional resource roles you created by clicking a button on the Role Details worksheet.

  3. Enter the user information in the Resource worksheet, starting from the top of the user hierarchy.

  4. Click Create Import Activity to import.


See the topic: Enter Sales User Data into the Resource Import Macro and Import


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After each import and whenever you update the resource hiearchy, you must run 4 processes to complete resource and resource hierarchy creation:

  • Send Pending LDAP Requests

  • Update Person Search Keywords

  • Reporting Hierarchy Generation

    This process requires you to select parameters when you run it. For the others, you just submit.

  • Synchronize User GUID

Navigator > Tools > Scheduled Processes

See the topic: Run Processes to Complete Resource and Resource Hierarchy Creation


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In the Security Console work area reset the password for a sales user you want to use for testing.

Setup and Maintenance > Sales > Users and Security > Manage Applications Security Preferences

See the topic: Reset Passwords for Others


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Sign in as the test user and review the resource hierarchy you created by navigating to the Resource Directory and displaying a graphical representation of the hierarchy.

You can upload user images in the Resource page in the Resource Directory. You can't import them. Use the Manage Users task to correct any minor errors. Alternatively, you can make corrections in the macro and import again.

Navigator > Resource Directory

See the topic: Review the Resource Hierarchy You Created and Upload User Images.


Both Digital Sales and CX Sales

If you enabled forecasting by opportunity owner in Setup Assistant, then you must run the Refresh Territories from Resources process to build the territories for the resources you just imported.

You must run this process every time the resource hierarchy changes, so you should run it on a daily or weekly basis.

If you're using sales territories to assign opportunities by address, product or other dimensions, then you can skip this step.

Navigator > Tools > Scheduled Processes

See the topic: Run the Refresh Territories from Resources Process

For information on how to manage sales users after you create them initially, see the topic How do I change user resource roles when job assignments change? and the rest of the User Management chapter in the Securing Sales and Fusion Service guide.