Create the Orchestration Steps on the Steps Tab

Instead of using the diagram to create or edit your steps, you can use the Steps tab to create the steps as a list. On the Steps tab, you enter the success criteria in the step itself and link the steps by entering the next success step and the next failure step. The Steps tab doesn't list any Logic nodes as the information is all contained in the steps themselves.

Create the steps that complete the objectives you created for each orchestration stage that asks salespeople to take action. You must create at least one step for each stage and you must include at least one Next Stage step for every orchestration stage except the last. Creating a step involves two actions:

Before you start

Create the List of Objectives

Here's what to do

  1. Select the orchestration stage.
  2. Make sure that Steps are selected on the Orchestration stage definition page.
  3. Click Add Step.
  4. Select the step type.
    For step types see Types of Orchestration Steps
  5. In Step Name, enter the name that appears in orchestration setup.
  6. Enter step description in the Suggestion Text field. The suggestion text is visible only in the step definition itself.
    Note: For manual steps, what you enter in Step Name and Suggestion Text becomes the default title and description that salespeople see in the Guidance panel. Both get copied over to the properties where you can edit them and change them. The step title and description you display at design time can be different from what you display for salespeople at runtime.
  7. If you selected Task or Appointment as the step type, then select the recommended action for the salesperson to take from the Action list.

    For example, if you're creating a task asking the salesperson to call the customer, then select the Call action. Because Call is one of the smart actions, the salesperson will see a recommendation with a Call button that they can click to call the customer. This step also creates a task to call the customer in the list of pending activities.

    If you don't select an action, then the salesperson clicks Complete to indicate the task is completed.

    Important: To delete the value in the Action field, or in any other drop-down field, you must press either the Tab or the Return keys on your keyboard after deleting.

    Task and Appointment type steps are manual steps. You're asking the salesperson to take an action, so the Execution field shows Manual. You don't select an action for automatic steps and the Execution field shows Automatic.

  8. Click Save.
  9. Click the Actions menu (three dots) on the node and select Edit Properties.
  10. Enter the step details. If the step is required to complete an objectives, then be sure to map the objective.

    What you enter depends on the node type you selected.

    • Enter any success criteria when the step permits it:
      1. Open the Success Criteria section to display its fields.
      2. Select an operator: either a logical AND (Include all of) or a logical OR (Include any of).
      3. Add the objects, operators, attributes, and values. For example, to consider the appointment to be a success when the salesperson selects the Positive Outcome resolution code, you select the following: Wrap Up as the object, the Include All Of operator, Resolution Code as the attribute, and Positive Outcome as the value.
      Important: You may not be able to enter success criteria unless you already added a failure step.
  11. Enter the next step in the Next Step on Success field to link steps together in the orchestration. Optionally, enter the Next Step on Failure.
    Important: For tasks, you can create a failure path only on those tasks that include a smart action that can be evaluated by the application. This includes all of the communications actions, including call and send email. You can't branch into a failure path for tasks that have the salesperson click the Completed button or for tasks that show or update information, for example.
    Field Description
    Next Step on Success The next step that the orchestration displays of the success criteria are met or the salesperson clicked Completed. If you are working in the diagram, then the success step is already populated.
    Next Step on Failure The step that's activated when the current step doesn't meet the success criteria by the due date and any grace period.
  12. Manual steps (steps that require salespeople to take action) make it possible for you to:
    • Prevent salespeople from skipping a step by turning off Allow skipping this step option. Turning off this option removes the Skip button from the UI for the step.
    • Evaluate the success criteria you entered even when salespeople click the Completed button, by turning on the Evaluate success criteria when marked as completed option. If the criteria aren't met, then the orchestration goes to the next step on failure.
  13. Click Save.

What to do next

Test an Orchestration