Foundation Profile Options

Foundation profile options configure various features such as geographies, Oracle Account and Contact Enrichment by Dun & Bradstreet (D&B), address formats, and so on.

The following table lists foundation profile options, descriptions, default values, and the impact these profile options have on different parts of the application.

To view the details of these profile options:

  1. Click Navigator > My Enterprise > Setup and Maintenance work area.

  2. Click the Tasks menu and click Search. Search for Manage Administrator Profile Values task and open it.

  3. Search using the profile option code.

To change the default values of these profile options:

  1. Click Navigator > My Enterprise > Setup and Maintenance work area.

  2. Click the Tasks menu and click Search. Search for Manage Administrator Profile Values task and open it.

  3. Search using the profile option code.

  4. Change the profile value.

Profile Option Code

Profile Option Name

Default Value



Related Topics


Update Standardized Addresses Enabled


Enable to allow the update addresses that are already standardized using postal information.

This profile option is applicable to Application UI and REST


Address Validation After Import


Runs the Geography Name Referencing (GNR) process after geography data import. The recommended value for this profile option value is N. This helps improve the import performance. After setting this to N, GNR process isn't invoked for every import.

This profile option is applicable to File-based Import (used in high volume import) and Import Management

See How do I validate geographies of addresses against master geographies and generate naming references?


Organization Profile Index Threshold


Specify the number of profile history records above which organization profile history information will be automatically denormalized into a secondary table for improved performance.

This profile option is applicable to REST


Child Entity Rollup Enabled


Enable this profile option to indicate that there are changes to parent records. That is, whenever a child is updated, the parent record is marked as updated.

This profile option is applicable to Scheduled Process, Application UI, REST

See Configure Event Tracking


Party Number Generation

Auto numbering, update allowed

Specify if the party numbers, such as Billing Account Number, must be automatically generated. You can also specify if the party number can be later updated.

This profile option is applicable to Application UI, REST

See Set Up the Third-Party Involuntary Payment Interface


Composite Event Tracking Enabled


Enable composite event tracking for customer and contact entities. This tracks changes to the entities, and raises an event whenever there is a change to the entities.

This profile option is applicable to Scheduled Process, Application UI, and REST

See Configure Event Tracking


Site Use Identifier Generation

Auto numbering, update not allowed

Select how the site use identifier will be generated, and if you can update it when creating or editing an account site use.

This profile option is applicable to Application UI and REST


Call Interaction Logging Enabled


Enable adding phone calls to the interactions log when the call action is used.

This profile option is applicable to Application UI and REST


Enable End Dating Resource Manager Unconditionally


Allows organization membership end date for resource with managerial role without any validation. You need not move out all reports before moving manager out. Set the value to Y to enable this option.

This profile option is applicable to Application UI, REST, and Import Management (only Resource object)


How do I manage resource organization hierarchy changes?


Minimum Threshold Value for Purge of Inactive Data


Specify the minimum number of days after which inactive records are to be purged.

This profile option is applicable to Application UI


Purge Inactive Data

Why can't I find inactive records for purging them?


Regional Country in Address Formats Included


Enable address format functions to include regional country. You must set the value to yes to include regional country.

This profile option is applicable to Application UI

See, How to have different contact address fields depending on the country selected?



Specify the maximum number of nodes that each parent node can handle for any geography element.

This profile option is applicable to Application UI and Import Management (only for geography object)


What are the best practices for managing Geography mismatches?

How do I manage Geography Structures, Hierarchies, and Validation?


Purging of Inactive Data Enabled


Enables the purging of data that are in inactive state using the Manage Party Purge Activities task. You must specify filter criteria to purge inactive data using Manage Party Purge Activities task.

This profile option is applicable to Application UI

See, Purge Inactive DataWhy can't I find inactive records for purging them?


Enable Current Active Worker Sync For MPLCRI Job


Enable current active worker sync for Maintain Party and Location Current Record Information batch job. If set to N, then current active workers won't get synced to person party.

This profile option is associated with the Maintain Party and Location Current Record scheduled process. This profile option ORA_HZ_ENABLE_MPLCRI_ACTIVE_WORKER must be set to Y and the HRC_DISABLE_HCM_EVENTS_PROCESSING profile option must be set to Yes to sync active workers. For more information topic, see, Why should I use the Maintain Party and Location Current Record Information process?.

This profile option is applicable to Scheduled Process

see, Why should I use the Maintain Party and Location Current Record Information process?


DaaS GBG | Loqate Data Import Enabled


Enable the import of DaaS GBG | Loqate geography information.

This profile option is applicable to Scheduled Process, Application UI, and Import Management

see, How to Import Nokia Geography Data


DaaS Geography Server Endpoint Information

Specify the endpoint information, such as the host name and the port number, of the DaaS geography server.

This profile option is applicable to Application UI and REST


Time Zone Population Enabled


Enable update of contact records with time zone details from the Populate Location Latitude and Longitude Information scheduled process.

This profile option is applicable to Scheduled Process


Location Sharing Mode

Share among all parties

Select if location can be shared among different persons and organizations.

This profile option is applicable to File-based Import. This profile option isn't applicable in Import Management.


Resource Start Date Default

Current date

Select if the default start date will be the date when the resource is created, or the employment start date of the resource.

This profile option is applicable to Application UI. This profile option isn't applicable in Import Management and resource user REST.


Application Composer for Resource Desktop Pages Enabled


Enable access to Oracle CX Sales Resource desktop pages in the Application Composer.

This profile option is applicable to Application UI

See How do I enable desktop pages for Resource Directory?


Language for Country Display

Specify the default language used to translate the country name for international addresses. This is typically the language of the country where an item is mailed from.

This profile option is applicable to Application UI and REST


Geocoding Subprocess Batch Size


Specify the maximum number of locations that each batch subprocess can handle for geocoding.

This profile option is applicable to Scheduled Process


Party Site Number Generation

Auto numbering, update not allowed

Select how a party site number will be generated, and if you can update the site number when creating or editing a party site address.

This profile option is applicable to Application UI, and REST

See How do I set up the required address option for accounts and contacts?


Customer Account Number Generation

Auto numbering, update not allowed

Select how a customer account number will be generated, and if you can update the number when creating or editing a customer account.

This profile option is applicable to Application UI, and REST


Contact Number Generation

Auto numbering, update not allowed

Select how the contact number will be generated, and if you can update the number when creating or editing a contact.

This profile option is applicable to Application UI, and REST


Enable VO-Based Security


Enable VO-based security and override the default EO based security for all objects that use the secured PartyEO.

This profile option is applicable to Application UI and REST


Multiple Business Units Enabled


Enable the multiple business units feature for Oracle Fusion Customer Relationship Management.

This profile option is applicable to Application UI

See Set Sales Business Unit Profile OptionsDefine Business Units


Entity Level Events Enabled


Enable entity level events for account, contact, and household entities.

This profile option is applicable to Scheduled Process, Application UI, and REST


Click to Dial Enabled


Enable automated dialing by clicking on a phone number.

This profile option is applicable to Application UI


Business Key Validation Enabled


Enable the business key validation rule to check for duplicate contact points, such as mobile, URL, and Email.

This profile option is applicable to REST


Name Style Default

Concatenated Name

Specify a default style for name formatting.

This profile option is applicable to Scheduled Process, Application UI, and REST


Customer Relationship Management Business Unit Default

Vision Operations

Specify the default business unit for Oracle Fusion Customer Relationship Management.

This profile option is applicable to REST

See Set Sales Business Unit Profile OptionsDefine Business Units


Address Style Default

Postal Address

Specify a default style for address formatting.

This profile option is applicable to Application UI and REST


Automated Resource Creation Enabled


Enable automatic creation of resource from employee creation process without user intervention.

This profile option is applicable to Application UI

See Overview of HCM Job-to-Role Mapping


Multiple Sell-to Addresses Enabled


Enable multiple sell-to address creation for a party, using the Data Import program. This profile option should not be used by customers.

This profile option is applicable to Application UI, and REST


Hide Alternate Address Names


Hide alternate names in the Address list of values. This option, when enabled, displays only the primary geography names for the address.

This profile option is applicable to Application UI


Number of workers for a given Geography Name Referencing request


Determines the number of sub-processes for Validate Geographies of Addresses Against Master Geographies scheduled process.

This profile option is applicable to Scheduled Process

See Best Practices for Geography Validation


Sales Account Automatic Assignment on Update Enabled


Enable automatic territory based assignment processing after a sales account is updated.

This profile option is applicable to Scheduled Process, Application UI, and REST

See How You Enable Automatic Account Assignment Enable Automatic Assignment of Imported Accounts


Batch Size for committing records in Geography Name Referencing process


The Batch Size for committing records in Geography Name Referencing process

This profile option is applicable to Application UI, Scheduled Process, File-based Import, and Import Management.


Import Processing for Multiple Address Types Enabled


Enable the processing of multiple address types for Account, Contact, Address, Organization, and Person objects.

This profile option is applicable to Import Management

See Import Your Household Data How do I import account data?How do I import contact data?


Skills Section in Resource Detail Page Enabled


Enable the skills section in the Resource Detail page of the Resource Directory and Manage Resources task. The valid values are YES and NO, and the default value is NO.

This profile option is applicable to Application UI

See How to Enable the Skill and Qualification Tabs on Resource Pages