Overview of Packaging Overrides for Title IV Funds

This is a general overview of information to help you effectively override Title IV financial aid awards as needed.

You are able to manually override funds and costs of attendance as needed. This is a summary of actions and impacts.

Add a Title IV Fund

  • How: See Add, Edit, or Remove a TIV Fund.
  • Impact: The fund is added based on the values you enter, and disbursements are automatically created. After saving the change, the fund will need to be managed manually for the Academic Year for Title IV Funds as future automation for that fund won't occur.
  • Future Automation Impact: Yes.

Edit a Title IV Fund

  • How: See Add, Edit, or Remove a TIV Fund.
  • Impact: The fund is adjusted based on the values you enter, and downstream disbursements are automatically made. After that, the fund will need to be managed manually for the Academic Year for Title IV Funds as future automation for that fund won't occur.
  • Future Automation Impact: Yes.

Add a Non-Federal Fund

  • How: See Manually Add a Non-Federal Fund.
  • Impact: The fund is added based on the values you enter and disbursements are automatically created. The fund will need to be managed manually for the Non-Federal Funds Period as future automation for that fund won't occur.
  • Future Automation Impact: Yes.

Edit a Non-Federal Fund

  • How: See Edit Non-Federal Funds Period.
  • Impact: The fund is adjusted based on the values you enter and downstream disbursements are automatically made. After that, the fund will need to be managed manually for the Non-Federal Funds Period as future automation for that fund won't occur.
  • Future Automation Impact: Yes.

Edit Fund Acceptance Status

  • How: See Overriding Fund Acceptance.
  • Impact: Fund Acceptance Status is updated based on your override, but future changes to Fund Acceptance Status, for example from Student Self-Service, are automatically processed.
  • Future Automation Impact: No.

Adjust Cost of Attendance (COA)

  • How: See Add An Adjustment To The COA.
  • Impact: COA adjustment is made based on values you input, and won't be updated by the system. Automated calculations will continue to be driven off COA configuration.
  • Future Automation Impact: No.

Change COA Type

  • How: See Update COA To Actual Or Total.
  • Impact: Once changed, the system won't automatically select which COA type, Total or Actual, should be used in the student’s package for the Academic Year being overridden.
  • Future Automation Impact: Yes.

Override Academic Years

Note: Only do this for non-term-based programs.
  • How: See Override Academic Years.
  • Impact: Once you manually override Academic Year dates, subsequent SAFI messages won't trigger Repackaging or be used by the Packaging logic for student’s entire program. This ensures your changes aren't overridden.
  • Future Automation Impact: Yes.

Manage Summer Terms

Note: Only do this for term-based programs.
  • How: See Manage Summer Term.
  • Impact: If you make changes, the application will stop automatically determining whether the summer term is a header or trailer or which Academic Year it belongs to. Downstream impacts to funds are processed automatically by the system.
  • Future Automation Impact: Yes.

Repackage a Student

  • How: See Trigger Repackage Process.
  • Impact: Using this feature forces the application to repackage the student using existing data as inputs, but this doesn't have any impact on future automation.
  • Future Automation Impact: No.