12Talent Pool Administration

Talent Pools Administration

    Getting started with Talent Pools

    Talent pools help organizations plan and review their workforce beyond position-based succession plans, along with providing the ability to create groups of people for the purposes of tracking, monitoring and actioning.

    A talent pool is a list of people nominated by pool collaborators. These pool members can be tracked and analyzed in relation to a succession plan, development plan or for resource forecasting.

    You can create talent pools at anytime for any purpose, providing the flexibility to track unlimited groups of employees, such as high-potential employees, future leaders, and successors.

    You can analyze the members of your talent pool with a matrix, as the performance matrix can be used outside of a succession plan. From there you can assign development activities and move employees between matrix cells with simple drag and drop actions. Bar charts can also be used for evaluating pool members. They can include a wide range of business critical data, such as potential, promotability readiness and risk of loss, while you can drill down into chart segments to display detailed information on the pool members included there. Filters can also be applied to pools to help narrow the focus of large pools. The filters available are contextual and the values that can be filtered are dependent on where you are in the system.

    The key components of talent pools are:

    • pool users, who can be owners or collaborators. Owners act as administrator and facilitator. By default, the person creating the pool is made the owner and can add collaborators and edit the name, description, owner and context. Collaborators are fundamental to a successful talent pool. They decide on who the pool members should be and populate the pool. Collaborators can also rank pool members and assign development activities.

    • member search, that makes it easier to find relevant pool members with advanced search criteria settings that can be configured for talent pools. See the list of available settings below.

    • development activities, which can be assigned to one or more pool members directly from the members list.

      Configuring Talent Pools

      The required setup must be completed in the Configuration module before Talent Pools can be used.

        Enabling Talent Pools

        You must enable the feature in the Configuration module for it to be displayed in Taleo Performance.

        There is only a single setting required to enable Talent Pools. Functionality that extends pool usability is configured separately.

          To Enable Talent Pools:

          This step requires Taleo Support access.

          Configuration > [Taleo Performance] Settings
          1. Select Category from the Refine by list, select Talent Pools and click Refresh.

          2. Select Enable Talent Pool and click Edit.

          3. Select Yes and click Save.

          Talent Pools are accessible in the application for users with correct permissions.

          Ensure required users have talent pool user type permissions enabled.

            Configuring Talent Pool User Permissions

            User permissions designate who can be owners and collaborators of Talent Pools.

            The Pools functional domain controls user access to talent pools. For someone to be able to collaborate on a pool they must have view and manage permissions. If someone was added to a talent pool as a collaborator, but did not have the manage permission, they would be unable to complete any actions within the pool.

            It is also important to ensure pool users have the required overall permissions to view details of potential candidates and employees who will make up the pool members. If you want to take advantage of the ability to calibrate employee metrics from a talent pool, see Employee Metric Calibration.

              To Configure User Permissions:

              Configuration > [SmartOrg] Administration > User Types > [Functional Domains] Common > Pools

              1. Select View > If this user is the pool owner or a pool user to enable users to see talent pools and view their content.

              2. Select Manage > Allow creating and deleting pools to enable users to be owners.

              3. Select Manage > If this user is the pool owner or a pool user to enable users to collaborate on pools.

                This includes the ability to add and remove pool users, to use a matrix associated with the pool and additionally for owners, the ability to add pool collaborators and change the pool context.

              Users associated to that user type can view and manage Talent Pools.

              Configure talent pool advanced search criteria.

                Configuring Talent Pool Search Criteria

                The correct search criteria helps ensure the right members are found for the purpose of the talent pool.

                Talent pool search uses the same Person Search settings for indicating which search fields are available as succession planning and talent search.

                Attention: Users must have [Users] User Types > Performance > Team Management > Access centralized search for advanced search to be available.
                  To Configure Search Criteria:

                  Configuration > [Taleo Performance] Settings

                  1. Select Category from the Refine by list, select Talent Pool Search and click Refresh.

                  2. Select Enable Advanced Search and click Edit.

                  3. Select Yes, click Save and return to the Settings list.

                  4. Select Category from the Refine by list, Select Person Search and click Refresh.

                  5. Select the name of a field you want included as search criteria, to go to its properties page and set its value to Yes.

                    Repeat the step for each required setting. For details on the fields, see Talent Pool Configuration Settings.

                  Advanced search is enabled in talent pools and the selected settings are available as search criteria.

                    Associating Matrices with Talent Pools

                    Matrices are associated with Talent Pools via the Talent Pool Template.

                    At least one matrix must be available for the feature to be available to users in Taleo Performance. This option enables specific matrices to be used with talent pools, including which matrix is the default and the order in which they should be displayed to the user in the Matrices list. Only active matrices can be associated with talent pools.

                      To Associate Matrices with Talent Pools:

                      There must be active matrices available.

                      Configuration > [Taleo Performance] Administration > [Talent Pools] Talent Pool Template
                      1. Beside Matrices, click Add to select the matrices you want to associate with talent pools and click Select when complete.

                        For information on configuring matrices, see Creating a Matrix.
                      2. Click Edit to select which matrix is used by default when the Matrix view is first accessed by a talent pool user and click Save when complete.

                      3. Click Reorder to set the order in which the matrices are displayed in the list in the Matrix view and click Save when complete.

                      The chosen matrices are listed in the order in which they are displayed in Taleo Performance and the default matrix is identified.

                        Associating Charts with Talent Pools

                        Charts present employee analytics in bar chart format.

                        By default no charts are associated with talent pools and they must be explicitly added. Once they have been added, they can be reordered. Like matrices, only active charts can be added. Charts can be configured using 13 different metrics and to allow drill down capabilities for viewing members in specific segments.

                          To Associate Charts with Talent Pools:

                          There must be active charts available.

                          Configuration > [Taleo Performance] Administration > [Talent Pools] Talent Pool Template
                          1. Beside Charts, click Add to select the charts you want to associate with talent pools and click Select when complete.

                            For information on configuring charts, see Creating a Chart.
                          2. Click Edit to select which chart is used by default when the Chart view is first accessed by a talent pool user and click Save when complete.

                          3. Click Reorder to set the order in which the charts are displayed in the list in the Chart view and click Save when complete.

                          The chosen charts are listed in the order in which they are displayed in Taleo Performance and the default chart is identified.

                            Talent Pool Reference

                            Please view the following sections if you require reference information or want to disable talent pools.

                              Disabling Talent Pools

                              You must have Taleo Support level access.

                              Configuration > [Taleo Performance] Settings.
                              1. Select the Enable Talent Pool option and click Edit.

                              2. Select No and click Save.

                              Talent Pools are no longer accessible in the application. While the option for selecting Talent Pools are removed from the application, their values remain in the system database. Re-enabling Talent Pools displays previously created pools in your system.

                                Removing Talent Pool Template Objects

                                There must be matrices or charts in use.

                                Configuration > [Taleo Performance] Administration > [Talent Pools] Talent Pool Template
                                1. From the Actions column, click Remove for the appropriate matrix or chart.

                                  There must be at least one matrix remaining in the list at all times and when a default object is removed, the corresponding object at the top of the list is designated as the default.
                                2. Click Yes in the confirmation dialog box and the object is removed.

                                  Talent Pool Permission Considerations

                                  Due to the specific talent pool user permission framework, transferring talent pool users in the User Accounts section behaves differently than a typical transfer.

                                  A user cannot be transferred in the following situation: Transferring from a user that has Pool > Manage permission to a user who has Pool > Manage > Allow creating and deleting pools. This is because the latter is considered to not have the required user permissions.

                                  A user can be transferred in the following instance: Transferring from a user that has Pool > Manage > Allow creating and deleting pools to a user who has Pool > Manage. This is because the latter is considered to not have the required user permissions.

                                  The reason for these restrictions, based on user type permissions, is illustrated in the following example, where the same application of setting values for pools and another domain has different results.

                                  User A has Performance > Performance Reviews > Manage and Common > Pools > Manage user type permissions. User B has Performance > Performance Reviews > Manage > If this user is one of the authors and Common > Pools > Manage > Allow creating and deleting pools user type permissions.

                                  It is implied that User A has full access to performance reviews with the Manage option selected; however, the same cannot be implied for talent pools and the user can only manage (change name, add users, etc...) pools, without the ability to create or delete them. User B can only manage performance reviews they have created, while also being able to manage pools including creating and deleting them.

                                    Talent Pool Configuration Settings

                                    Initial activation of Talent Pools is the responsibility of Taleo Customer Support, via the Enable Talent Pool setting.

                                    Configuration > [SmartOrg] Administration > [Users] User Types
                                    Functional Domain Permission Default Value
                                    Common > Pools


                                    • If this user is the pool owner or a pool user


                                    • If this user is the pool owner or a pool user

                                      Allow creating and deleting pools

                                    • Disabled

                                    Performance > Team Management > Access Centralized Search This enables access to central search, where employees can be added to pools.
                                    • Enabled (for Managers and HR Admin)

                                    Configuration > [Taleo Performance] Settings
                                    Setting Name Setting Description Possible Values Setting Category
                                    Enable Talent Pool Enables the Talent Pool functionality in the application.
                                    • Yes

                                    • No (default)

                                    Talent Pools
                                    Enable Advanced Search Indicates if the advanced search feature is available.
                                    • Yes

                                    • No (default)

                                    Talent Pools Search

                                    Configuration > [Taleo Performance] Settings
                                    Setting Name Setting Description Possible Values Setting Category
                                    City Advanced Search Field Configuration Indicates if the city field criterion is available in the advanced search.
                                    • Yes

                                    • No (default)

                                    Person Search
                                    Competencies Advanced Search Field Configuration Indicates if the "Competencies" section is available in the advanced search.
                                    • Yes

                                    • No (default)

                                    Country Advanced Search Field Configuration Indicates whether the country field criterion is available in the advanced search.
                                    • Yes

                                    • No (default)

                                    Person Search
                                    Employee Job Field Advanced Search Field Configuration Indicates if the "Employee Job Field" criterion is available in the advanced search.
                                    • Yes

                                    • No (default)

                                    Person Search
                                    Employee Job Role Advanced Search Field Configuration Indicates if the "Employee Job Role" criterion is available in the advanced search.
                                    • Yes (default)

                                    • No

                                    Person Search
                                    Employee Location Advanced Search Field Configuration Indicates whether the employee location field criterion is available in the advanced search.
                                    • Yes

                                    • No (default)

                                    Person Search
                                    Employee Metrics User-defined Fields in Advanced Search Field Configuration Indicates if the section "Employee Metrics User-defined Fields" is available in the advanced search.
                                    • Yes

                                    • No (default)

                                    Person Search
                                    Employee Manager Name Advanced Search Field Configuration Indicates whether the employee manager name field criterion is available in the advanced search.
                                    • Yes

                                    • No (default)

                                    Person Search
                                    Employee Organization Advanced Search Field Configuration Indicates whether the employee organization field criterion is available in the advanced search.
                                    • Yes

                                    • No (default)

                                    Person Search
                                    Employee Potential Advanced Search Field Configuration Indicates if the "Potential" field is available in the advanced search. This field is restricted.
                                    • Yes

                                    • No (default)

                                    Person Search
                                    Employee Readiness For Promotion Advanced Search Field Configuration Indicates if the "Readiness" field is available in the advanced search. This field is restricted.
                                    • Yes

                                    • No (default)

                                    Person Search
                                    Employee Review Rating Advanced Search Field Configuration Indicates if the "Employee Review Rating" criterion is available in the advanced search.
                                    • Yes

                                    • No (default)

                                    Person Search
                                    Employee Risk Of Loss Advanced Search Field Configuration Indicates if the "Risk of Loss" field is available in the advanced search. This field is restricted.
                                    • Yes

                                    • No (default)

                                    Person Search
                                    Employee User-defined Fields in Advanced Search Field Configuration Indicates if the section "Employee User-defined Fields" is available in the advanced search.
                                    • Yes

                                    • No (default)

                                    Person Search
                                    Interest In International Advanced Search Field Configuration Indicates if the "Interest in International Assignment" field is available in the advanced search.
                                    • Yes

                                    • No (default)

                                    Person Search
                                    Job Title Advanced Search Field Configuration Indicates whether the job title field is available in the advanced Search.
                                    • Yes

                                    • No (default)

                                    Person Search
                                    Management Experience Advanced Search Field Configuration Indicates if the "Management Experience" field is available in the advanced search.
                                    • Yes

                                    • No (default)

                                    Person Search
                                    Show the 'Fit' Column in Person Search Result Indicates whether to show the 'Fit' column on the results page of a person search.
                                    • Yes

                                    • No (default)

                                    Person Search
                                    Reassignment Candidate Advanced Search Field Configuration Indicates if the "Reassignment Candidate" field is available in the advanced search. This field is restricted.
                                    • Yes

                                    • No (default)

                                    Person Search
                                    State Advanced Search Field Configuration Indicates whether the state field criterion is available in the advanced search.
                                    • Yes

                                    • No (default)

                                    Person Search
                                    Willing To Relocate Advanced Search Field Configuration Indicates if the "Willing To Relocate" field is available in the advanced search.
                                    • Yes

                                    • No (default)

                                    Person Search
                                    Willing To Travel Advanced Search Field Configuration Indicates if the "Willing to Travel" field is available in the advanced search.
                                    • Yes

                                    • No (default)

                                    Person Search
                                    Years In Industry Advanced Search Field Configuration Indicates if the "Years in Industry" field is available in the advanced search.
                                    • Yes

                                    • No (default)

                                    Person Search
                                    Zip/Postal Code Advanced Search Field Configuration Indicates if the ZIP/Postal Code field is available in the advanced Search.
                                    • Yes

                                    • No (default)

                                    Person Search

                                    Configuration > Taleo Performance > Talent Pools > Talent Pool Template
                                    Name Description
                                    Matrices The list of matrices displays the names and codes, as well as the order in which they are displayed in the matrix list and which is the default. Matrices can be added, removed, reordered and the default matrix changed. There should be at least one default matrix available.
                                    Charts The list of charts displays the names and codes, as well as the order in which they are displayed in the matrix list and which is the default. Charts can be added, removed, reordered and the default charts changed.
                                    History Includes the date and time, event and description of changes that are made and saved for the matrices and charts settings.