Setting Your Preferences

You can set preferences to control many aspects of the application, such as your profile photo and how numbers display in the application.


The preferences that you set take precedence over the preferences that your administrator set. You can click Use Administrator's Settings to apply the System Settings set by the administrator.

To set your preferences:

  1. On the Home page, click Tools, and then User Preferences.
  2. Click the tabs on the left to set your preferences in the application:
    • General: Set your profile photo, your preferences for time zone, language, which alias table to use, the display of member names and aliases, and approvals options, including an out of office message. See Setting General Preferences
    • Display: Set your preferences for how numbers are formatted, how members are displayed on Page drop-down lists, whether consolidation operators are displayed, and the date format. See Setting Your Display Preferences
    • Notifications: Set your email address and select which activities you want to be notified about—Task Lists, Approvals, and the Job Console. See Setting Up Email for Notifications .
    • Ad Hoc Options: Set options for working with ad hoc grids. See Setting Ad Hoc Options.
    • User Variables: Select members for users variables that your administrator set up. See Setting User Variables.
    • Reporting: Set preferences for displaying reports. See Setting Your Reporting Preferences.
    • Form Printing: Set your preferences for how to print data in forms as PDF files. See Setting Your Printing Preferences