Monitor Flow Instances

Each flow instance represents a single occurrence of the business flow, instantiated for recording all the transaction documents for a specific item or service in the founder's supply chain.

Each document received by the Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace corresponds to a specific business step of an instance. The transaction documents received may or may not be in the order in which the steps are defined for a business flow. Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace maps the transaction to the business step, and performs the necessary processing for ingesting the document and other data received as part of the transaction.

As a founder, you can monitor all the business flow instances individually. Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace provides a number of step-level statistics:

  • Number of steps completed and pending for each instance.
  • Statistics showing the list of trading partners as submitters for each instance.
  • Provides a pictorial representation of how the instance are related to each other.
  • Provides a timeline view to trace the transaction documents in a chronological order across multiple flow instances.
  • Provides a map view to trace movement of assets and documents between different trading partner.

As a trading partner, your visibility to the data is limited by your organization type in the founder's network—endorsing trading partner, or participating trading partner. The visibility is further constrained by the user role assigned to you—admin, integration user, or web application user, See Understand Roles and Users.
