How To Set Up Processing for Outbound Messages

  1. Create XSL stylesheets for converting from Oracle Transportation Management XML to outbound format.
  2. Create a Stylesheet Profile for the sample XSL as the content:
    1. Specify the Direction of "OUTBOUND".
    2. Specify the Type of "XSL".
    3. Select the For Message XML check box.
    4. Create a Stylesheet Content ID using the XSL file created above.
      1. Upload the XSL file.
    5. Enter an Out XML Profile as needed.
  3. Create a Contact:
    1. Select the Use Message Hub check box.
    2. Create an External System.
      1. Specify the URL for HTTPPost or the Web Service details if sending via a Web Service Call.

    Note: The contact with an external system can be re-used across all devices that share the same communication method.

  4. Create a Device:
    1. Enter the External Device ID.
    2. Enter the Communication Method.
    3. Specify the device's Contact.
  5. Create a Message Type:
    1. Set a default Message Priority.
    2. Select the Direction of "OUTBOUND".
    3. Select the Persist Outbound Messages check box.
    4. Create a Contact Notification for the Message Type:
      1. Select the For Message check box.
      2. Enter "MESSAGE_EVENT" in the Function ID field. This is required to ensure the Contact Notification can be used for more than one business object type.
      3. Associate the Device contacts to the Contact Notification using the contact notification UI.
      4. Select the Supports Driver check box.
        1. In the Driver section, select a Communication Method of "BY DEVICE". This sends communication from the currently associated device to the driver.
        2. Select the Stylesheet Template to use for the communication.

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