
Estimate Damage Value

This action is accessed Financials > Damage Claims > Actions > Estimate Damage Value.

Note:  Estimate Damage Value action can be performed only after a claim becomes Sustainable.

The Estimate Damage Value action calculates the how much Damages are for:

  • An Individual Claim Line Item
  • The entire claim

For individual claim line items, Oracle Transportation Management calculates the DAMAGE cost type by multiplying the Gross Sale Value by its corresponding unit of measure. The corresponding options are either the Damaged Weight, Damaged Volume, or Damaged Quantity fields. In addition, the action considers a null damaged or removed weight as zero damage and creates a damage cost line of zero.

Performing the action results in DAMAGE cost value in the line item cost section.

Once all individual DAMAGED costs have been calculated, the entire Damage Value for a claim is calculated by summing the DAMAGE cost types in the following areas:

  • Each Claim line item
  • Claim's General Information

You are also able to manually enter DAMAGE cost in both the Claim Line Item or General Cost sections. Ultimately, every DAMAGE cost within the claim is summed and the total is populated on the Claims Header page.

If the Damaged Value's fixed flag is marked, the input value overrides the damage value calculation.

Note: The Estimate Damage Value action needs to be performed every time a change occurs effecting the DAMAGE cost to keep the damage value and size of loss up to date.

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