
Claim Line Item Detail

This page is accessed via Financials > Damage Claims. Then select Claim Line Item.

This page records information on damages from non-Oracle Transportation Management generated orders or when entering damage data for an Oracle Transportation Management generated order.

The properties and configure the client-specific Java classes used to create claim lines in Oracle Transportation Management from an external system and update data from claim lines to an external system.

  1. Search for an Order Release Line ID if the order item was created in Oracle Transportation Management and needs to be logged as a claim. Leave blank if this order was not created in Oracle Transportation Management.
  2. Enter the Serial Number to distinguish between other items.
  3. Select Damage Type ID detail to describe the type of damage that occurred to the item or order.
  4. The Gross Sales Value indicates the value of the goods based on its Per Unit Type and unit of measurement (UOM). If the Line Item is Oracle Transportation Management related, this field may be pre-populated.

    Note: For Oracle Transportation Management to populate the item's Gross Sales Value field, the item must have a Price Per Unit and corresponding unit type and measure defined at the order release line item level.

  5. Optionally, enter a Transport Handling Unit for the claim line. The Transport Handling Unit is populated if defined on the order release line.
  6. The Shipment ID displays which shipment this claim line item is from. The Shipment ID field is a read only field and is populated if a Shipment ID was entered on the initial Claim header page.
  7. After a claim has been saved once, the Size of Loss for a claim line item is populated showing how much a claim line item contributed to the claim. In order to calculate the claim line item's Size of Loss, Oracle Transportation Management sums all of its Cost Types.

    For instance, if a claim line item has a DAMAGE Cost Type of 15 dollars and a SALVAGE Cost Type of 10 dollars, the Size of Loss for the claim line item would be 5 dollars.

    The Size of Loss of a claim line item is recalculated every time a claim is saved.

Claim Details

When creating or editing a claim, detailed information about the line item needs to be entered. Depending on how you specify your order release lines in your claim, some fields for an item instance can be already populated. Once an Order Release Line ID is selected, Oracle Transportation Management will populate the following fields based on information provided in the shipment and order release. Oracle Transportation Management will first look to use information from the shipment. If there is no shipment, Oracle Transportation Management will look at information on the order release.

Note: If the claim is a not an Oracle Transportation Management related claim, you will need to provide all information.

Original Weight: Oracle Transportation Management looks first to the Gross Weight field on the Shipment's Ship Unit. If there is no shipment, Oracle Transportation Management populates the Original Weight Field from the Gross Weight field on the Order Release's Ship Unit.

Original Volume: Oracle Transportation Management looks first to the Gross Volume field on the Shipment's Ship Unit. If there is no shipment, Oracle Transportation Management populates the Original Volume field from the Gross Volume field on the Order Release's Ship Unit.

Original Quantity: Oracle Transportation Management looks first to the Packaging Unit Count field in the Shipment Ship Unit Line. If there is no shipment, Oracle Transportation Management populates the Original Quantity field from the Packaging Unit Count field on the Order Release Line.

Original Diameter: Oracle Transportation Management looks first to the Original Diameter field on the Shipment's Ship Unit. If there is no shipment, Oracle Transportation Management populates the Original Diameter field from the Original Diameter field on the Order Release's Ship Unit.

Manually entering appropriate data details is vital in calculating the Claim's Damaged Value and Size of Loss amounts. To calculate how much an item instance contributes to a claim's total Damage Value and Size of Loss amount, Oracle Transportation Management uses the original, removed, and or net values measurement types to come up with the damaged amount. The damaged amount and the Gross Sales Value fields are multiplied to get the DAMAGE cost type amount.

Oracle Transportation Management bases its calculations on the following measurement types. They are:

  • Weight Value Amounts
  • Volume Value Amounts
  • Quantity Value Amounts
  • Reel Value Amounts

Note: Oracle Transportation Management displays the derived fields only after a line item is saved and the claim is finished being updated.

The Original Value is the total amount of the line item prior to the line item being damaged.

The Removed Value is the item value amount that was removed from the item. The New Value is the item amount left over from the Original and Removed Values. Damaged Value shows the amount an item is damaged. Damaged Value can be populated from a Removed or New Value amount. It can also be entered manually. A reason to have a different Damaged Value than Removed Value would be when an item can be partially used so it is not removed from the order.

When inputting data details about cylindrical objects such as a reels, understand that:

  • Original Diameter is the diameter of the entire object.
  • Core Diameter is the inner circumscribed diameter core. Core diameter should not be considered as product in damage calculations.
  • Removed Cylinder Depth is the depth from the outer edge that is removed from the cylinder after reconditioning occurs.
  • New Cylinder Diameter is the diameter after reconditioning activities have occurred.

Package Status notes the condition the item package is in. Initially, an items package status defaults to SOUND. A DAMAGE Package Status indicates that the item is 100 percent lost. In this case, the damage values are set to the Original Values if known by Oracle Transportation Management. SUSPECT, MISSING, and FAULTY are available Package Statuses but have no predetermined functionality. You can also create new Package Statuses in Power Data.

The Percent Damaged/Removed fields are calculated based on the Damaged and Removed Values compared to the Original Values.

In order to use Oracle Transportation Management calculation capabilities, a minimal amount of fields need to be populated. Below are combinations of what can be entered and what Oracle Transportation Management will return with this information.

User Input

OTM Returns

Original Value Amount Removed Value Amount

Damaged Value Amount, New Value Amount, Percent Damaged, Percent Removed

Original Value  Amount New Value Amount

Damaged Value Amount, Removed Value Amount, Percent Damaged, Percent Removed

Original Value Amount Damaged Value Amount

Percent Damaged

For example, we have a Gross Sales Value of 100 dollars, Original Weight (considered original value) of 100 pounds, and Removed Weight (considered removed value) of 75 pounds. Oracle Transportation Management would calculate the Damaged Weight (considered as damaged value) to be 75 pounds, New Weight (considered as new value) to be 25 pounds, Percent Damaged to be 75 percent, Percent Removed to be 75 percent and the Damage Cost to be 75 dollars.

Item Costs

This section defines individual item costs.

The Claim Item Cost grid displays all costs associated with a single line item. Oracle Transportation Management calculates item costs by adding or subtracting individual item cost types. In order to get the total line item costs, Oracle Transportation Management sums each item cost. These costs, along with any general costs associated with the entire claim, will make up Damage Value and Size of Loss estimates.

Note: DAMAGE is the only cost type that directly affects the total Damage Value of a claim. All other cost types impact the Size of Loss amount of a claim.

Select a Cost Type associated with the line item and enter its cost amount.

The Payer and Payee fields define the primary contact information for a particular line item cost for the claim.

The payer is considered by Oracle Transportation Management as the party responsible for paying the line item cost associated with the claim. The payee is the party that will be receiving the costs associated with the line item from the payer.

To add a Cost Type to an item click the Save button. To edit or delete a cost type click the edit/delete buttons respectively.

Reference Numbers

Use this section to assign reference numbers to the claim item.

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