Financial Overview

This page is accessed via:
  • Order Management > Financial Overview
  • Shipment Management > Financial Overview

This option facilitates the Buy and Sell perspective so that you can easily visualize cost/revenue and therefore the profit margin on providing transportation services to a customer on a per-order basis.

Use this option to review the bills and shipments for any order base or order movement.

The Financial Overview page provides the following information:

  • Order Base summary information such as the ID, Shipper, Bill To, Consignee location address information, Order Reference Numbers, and Order Base Remarks.
  • Order Releases that belong to the Order Base.
  • Revenue based on the bills that have been generated for the order.
  • Expenses incurred from the Buy shipments that have been created for the order.
  • Profit/loss based on the difference between the revenue and expenses.
Use this page to review the current bills and transportation costs that resulted from an order base/order release. You can also perform actions and run SmartLinks for any business object that appears on this page.

Choose an Order Base or Order Release ID and click the appropriate Go/Refresh button.

Note: As you work on this page, remember to click Go/Refresh after performing actions or editing records.

Order Base

This section of the page displays summary order base information such as Order ID and the Shipper, Bill To, and Consignee address information (if you entered contacts for the Involved Party Qualifiers on the order base), Order Reference Numbers, and Remarks (configured as Level 1 Remarks only).

Order Releases

This section displays summary information for all order releases for the Order Base ID that appears at the top of the page.

Revenue (Bills)

The Revenue section shows the bills that were created from the shipment that was used to transport the order. Each bill includes a Bill # and Amount. The Bill # is automatically generated by Oracle Transportation Management using the active rule definition defined in the Business Number Generator.

The Amount is calculated by Oracle Transportation Management based on the Sell Rate Offering, Rate Record, and Itinerary that was used for the order. These can be defined on the order base or Oracle Transportation Management can choose the best match during shipment planning.

Each bill can be viewed in detail using the Payment Invoice Manager in Financials. Click the Bill Number to navigate to the first page of the bill. You can review/edit the bill and perform other payment actions such as Allocate or Issue Bill.

Expenses (Buy Shipments)

The Expense section shows the buy shipments created for the order. The shipments created depend on the characteristics of the order such as the items, service providers, transport mode, equipment profile, itinerary, and rate offering/record. You can assign these values on the order base or have Oracle Transportation Management decide the best combination during shipment planning/optimization.

Each shipment listed includes a shipment ID, start/end date, service provider, rate offering/record, and amount. The Shipment ID is automatically determined by Oracle Transportation Management. You can click the Ship Number to display additional details about the shipment. The remaining field values are either defined on the order or determined by Oracle Transportation Management during shipment planning/optimization. The Amount field displays the calculated cost of each shipment as determined by the buy rate offering/rate record and itinerary used for the shipment.

Secondary charges (if any) are also listed.


The Profit section shows the total profit/loss for the order based amount of expense versus revenue. For example, a positive amount is considered profit and is calculated as the difference between the total revenue and total expense. A negative amount is considered a loss.

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