
Translation Lookup: Setup and Process

This section discusses the additional elements which can be set up to support translation lookup and the process you can follow to perform translation between product classification codes. To use the translation lookup functionality, GTM uses the basic product classification data plus:

  • Service preference

The basic setup elements were discussed previously so let’s look at setting up a service preference for translation lookup.

Translation Lookup Service Preference Setup

Service preference enables you to specify details regarding how GTM should perform translation lookup. Within the Service Preference Details section, you specify a service with a corresponding service preference configuration. You can have multiple combinations of the service and service preference configuration.

Navigate to Master Data > Power Data > Configurations > Service Preference.

In this example, you specify a service of Product Classification Translation. When you are adding or editing a service preference detail line, click the icon to the right of the service preference configuration field to add additional detail.

When you are editing a service of Product Classification Translation and click the icon, GTM displays the Service Preference Configuration: TRANSLATOR SCREEN page.

  • Language ID is the language of the description of potential lookup classifications.
  • Minimum Code Length is used for HS translations as the minimum length that can be considered a match. For example, if the minimum code length is 6, then a source classification code of can be considered a match against an entered source classification code of since 12.12.11 match within both codes.

Note: Service Preference is not a required field when performing translation lookup.

Translation Lookup Process – Query Page

Now that you have setup the basic data and the service preference in GTM, you can perform Translation Lookup between product classification codes. To perform this look up, you must navigate to Classification > Translation Lookup.

The Product Classification Translation Lookup page enables you to enter a Product Classification Type and a corresponding Product Classification Code as well as a To Product Classification Type. GTM queries the criteria and determines the appropriate product classification code for the To Product Classification Type specified. This translation lookup can only be performed across product classification types belonging to the same product classification category. For example, GTM can perform a translation lookup between HS codes from different countries.

GTM tries to find a match starting with an exact match. If this is not found, GTM then trims the classification code to the first eight digits and tries to find a match. GTM continues to trim the classification code until a match is found or the From Product Classification Code has been trimmed to the smallest digit allowed. The smallest digit allowed is determined by the Minimum Code Length field present on the Service Preference for “Product Classification Translation” service. You must specify a Product Classification Type and a Product Classification Code from which you are translating. You must also specify a To Product Classification Type. You can also specify Reference information such as Source System or Service Preference. Select the Tree Results check box to see the results in a tree view.

For example, you want to translate a classification code in the harmonized tariff of the United States to a similar code in the harmonized tariff of Mexico. You have specified a:

  • Product Classification Type of HTS US.
  • Product Classification Code of 9305994000.
  • To Product Classification Type of HTS MX.

Once you click Match at the bottom of the page, GTM conducts the search based on the criteria defined and returns the Translation Matches results page.

Translation Lookup Results Page – Grid View

You can see the Translation Matches results page based on the criteria entered previously. You can see the search criteria you entered by clicking the Search Criteria button. For example, the search criteria are:

  • Product Classification Type of HTS US
  • Product Classification Code of 9305994000
  • To Product Classification Type of HTS MX
  • Tree Results of false which means a grid view is displayed

At the bottom of the page, you can see the product classification codes for the To Product Classification Type of HTS MX and the corresponding description.

Note:The Product Classification Code of a type of HTS US entered on the query page was 9305994000 while the To Product Classification Codes are slightly different. Even though these codes are different, the descriptions are similar in that they refer to arms and ammunition plus additional details. Also note that the codes are the same at the starting six digit level.

Translation Lookup Results Page – Tree View

You can access the tree view by selecting the Tree View check box on the query page.  In the tree view, you see the hierarchy of the HTS MX codes that match your query. This view does not take you to the exact match but shows you the hierarchy of the To Product Classification Code. This hierarchy is set up using the Product Classification Hierarchy Code previously discussed. All the results are shown on one page which you can scroll through.

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