
Product Classification: Basic Setup

When using product classification in GTM, there is basic data that is set up and can be used across the different process options. The basic setup elements are:

The basic setup needed to use the product classification functionality. This basic setup can be used across the different process options.

Product Classification Type

Product classification types specify the product classification lists defined by country or region. Since product classification lists may vary by country or region, you can create multiple product classification types each specifying a product classification category and a corresponding country or region. For example, you may specify a:

  • Product Classification Type of HTS US for the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States
  • Product Classification Type of HTS MX for the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of Mexico
  • Product Classification Type of ECCN US for the United States – Export Control Classification Number
  • Product Classification Type of ML DE for the Munitions List of Germany
  • Product Classification Type of HS-EX CN for the export version of the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of China

As part of Product Classification Type, you need to specify a Product Classification Category which defines the high level details for product classification data. Oracle Global Trade Management (GTM) ships with pre-seeded product classification categories such as:

  • ECCN – Export Control Classification Number
  • HS – Harmonized Tariff Schedule
  • ML – Munitions List
  • SCHEDULE B – Schedule B

For example, you can set up a product classification type for the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of China:

Navigate to Master Data > Power Data > Product Classification > Product Classification Types.

  • Enter a Product Classification Type = HTS CH
  • Select a Product Classification Category ID = HS
  • Enter a Description = Harmonized System of China
  • Select a Country Code = CHN
  • Select a Content Type ID = HTS-CN

Product Classification Codes

Product classification codes define the code and details which correspond to its product classification type. Product classification codes include information available in the tariff including participating government agency codes, reporting units of measure, ADD/CVD flags, controls and corresponding notes. This additional information depends on the type of tariff being modeled. Usually, a data content provider populates this data for you. For more information on downloading data from a content provider, please refer to the Trade Content Download how-to topic.

On the product classification code:

  • Product Classification Code ID represents a unique identifier within GTM.
  • Data Version ID is the data version of the file used to populate this record.
  • Product Classification Type refers to the product classification type previously discussed.
  • Product Classification Code refers to the actual code defined in the tariff for a specific region or country.
  • Effective Date and Expiration Date are the dates provided in the tariff. If these are not populated in the tariff, these fields will be blank.
  • In the Description section:
    • Language defines the language in which the description is entered.
    • Description enables you to add more detailed information. You may have multiple descriptions in different languages for a particular product classification code.
  • In the Attributes section, you can enter additional information related to the product classification code including a name, value, and description. Attributes can be populated by a data content provider if this data is included in the tariff.
  • In the Required Units of Measure section, you can enter the usage, UOM code, UOM Description, and Country Nomenclature.
  • In the Notes section, you can enter a Note Type, Language and Note Value.

Navigate to Classification > Product Classification Codes. For example, a product classification code for the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of China (this is strictly an example and does not include all elements of this particular product classification code):

  • Product Classification Code ID = 194825_CN_20_9606290010
  • Data Version ID = 194825
  • Product Classification Type = HTS CN.
  • Product Classification Code = 9606290010.
  • Effective Date = 2010-12-31 16:00:00.
  • Expiration Date is blank.
  • The Description section includes both English and Simplified Chinese descriptions.
  • The Attributes section includes:
    • Name = SC Code
    • Value = E
    • Description beginning with “It refers to the export permit for endangered wild animals issued by…”
  • The Required Units of Measure section includes:
    • Usage = REPORTING UOM 1
    • UOM Code = KG
    • UOM Description = Kilograms
    • Country Nomenclature = KG
  • The Notes section includes both English and Simplified Chinese notes.

Product Classification Hierarchy Code Setup

Product classification hierarchy codes are used to define a product classification code’s position in the hierarchy. When viewing results from various processes and actions in GTM, you can look at the tree view of the data which includes a hierarchy of the product classification codes. Usually, a data content provider populates this data for you.

Navigate to Master Data > Power Data > Product Classification > Product Classification Hierarchy Codes. For example:

  • The Hierarchy Code is 9305994000 and corresponds to the product classification code.
  • Note the Description contains ‘Of articles of heading 9303 other than shotguns or rifles’.
  • The parent hierarchy ID is 10806_60023267 which corresponds to the next level up in the hierarchy. If you click on the Parent Hierarchy ID link, you will see a similar page for the parent hierarchy code.
  • On this product classification hierarchy code, the Hierarchy Code is 930599.
  • Note the Description contains Other.

This information is displayed on the tree view when you perform a product classification lookup or product classification translation lookup.


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