Data Download Process Actions

You can setup the details of when you want to download data and from which content provider. When you perform the Download Data Content process from Master Data > Process Management > Data Load > Download Data Content, Oracle Global Trade Management (GTM) runs the following process which is seamless to a user of the restricted party data or classification data.

  1. Using an external system, GTM accesses a URL provided by the content provider and downloads the status document.
  2. If there are new entries, GTM downloads the compressed files from the URL and brings them into a local directory. GTM only downloads those files that are marked as Supported in the content source. The compressed files include flat files containing restricted party data and classification data. Refer to the Properties section or more information on specifying the folders where the compressed files are downloaded.
  3. For every data type or zip file downloaded, GTM adds a Data Loading record and an entry into the Content Set Detail section of the Content Set page. The status of the content set details is marked to Downloaded. In addition, certain fields are updated on the Data Loading recording including:
    • Status: indicates whether the CSV upload has successfully processed or failed
    • Number of Records: indicates the number of CSV records to be processed.
    • Number Processed: indicates the number of CSV records successfully processed in the database.
    • Number of Errors: indicates the number of CSV records that have failed.
    • Log Process ID:  indicates the ID for the logs related to the data load process.
  4. The compressed files are opened and a CSV file is prepared with the downloaded data.
  5. GTM then loads the data into the appropriate GTM tables using the CSV upload utility. The tables include:
    • Restricted party
    • Product classification code
    • Product classification hierarchy
  6. Once completed, GTM sets the status in the Content Set Detail section for each set of data to Processed.
  7. GTM raises the following agent events as part of data download and processing:
    • GTM DATA VERSION - DATA LOAD STATUS CHANGED agent event will be raised for every downloaded .zip file processed by GTM. Automation agent (Agent Type = GTM DATA VERSION) can be configured to listen to this agent event. When you select this agent event and click Restrictions, you can:
      1. Select a Data Load Content Type. The agent event will trigger for the data load content types you select. If you do not select a data load content type, the agent event will trigger for all data load content types within a data version.
      2. Select a Data Load Status. The agent event will trigger for the data load statuses you select. If you do not select a data load status, the agent event will trigger for all statuses within a data version. There are three different statuses that you can monitor:
        • SUCCESS: This status is raised when the data load process completes without errors. This status is set when the corresponding Data Load Status is PROCESSED.
        • PARTIAL SUCCESS: This status is raised when the data load process completes but there are errors in the processed records. This status is set when the corresponding Data Load Status is PROCESSED but there are errors in the CSV files.
        • FAILURE: This status is raised when the data load process results in an error. This status is set when the corresponding Data Load Status is one of the ERROR statuses such as ERROR, PRELOAD_ERROR, POSTLOAD_ERROR, or LOADING_ERROR.
    •  GTM CONTENT TYPE - DATA LOADED agent event will be raised for every kind of content type downloaded and processed. Automation agent (Agent Type = GTM CONTENT TYPE) can listen to this content type event and take action. You can listen for the event for a particular content type by selecting the following Restrictions:
      1. Listen for a specific Data Load Content Type such as HTS-US, ECCN-MX, RESTRICTED PARTY, TRADE AGREEMENT, etc.
      2. Select the Content Type Data Load Status you want to listen for including SUCCESS, PARTIAL SUCCESS, or FAILURE.


When you trigger the Download Data Content process, you can select the appropriate Content Source ID and schedule the process to run now or at a scheduled time you specify.

In addition, you can select the Force Reload Data Content. This check box should only be marked in instances where you want to download a fresh copy of a data set, download a new version of a data set, or if a previous download results in errors and a manual reloading does not resolve the error.

Note: Force Reload Data Content can impact processes you have already run on your restricted party or classification data.
For restricted party data, only one data version exists. When new content is downloaded from a content provider, it is added to the existing data version. If you run the Download Data Content process with the Force Reload Data Content check box selected, the entire list of restricted parties will be loaded again, based on what you have selected in the content source. This will impact potential matches and verified matches that have been previously made between your parties and restricted parties, and may result in the need to perform a full screening of restricted parties against the entire party master.
For classification data, a new data version is created every time a download happens. If you run the Download Data Content process with the Force Reload Data Content check box selected, the entire set of classification data will be loaded again, based on what you have selected in the content source. The impact of forcing a reload of data content is minimal on the classification process.

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