Data Download

Following are the elements used.

Status Document

The status document is an XML file provided by the content provider. It includes the date on which the status document was last updated, what data is available, and a link to download new data.  

example of a status document

In this example, you can see:

  • <Version_ID> - Version number for the status document.
  • <Last_Update_DT> - The date on which the status document was last updated.
  • <File_Detail> - The details of all the files that are available.
    • <Files> - For each file available, there will be one <Files> element. If there are multiple files available for different types of content, the <Files> element is repeated. In this example, there are two files: one file related to Restricted Party Data (where Data_Type = DPL and Country = US), and a second file related to the Harmonized Tariff Schedule for Mexico (where Data_Type = HSN and Country = MX).
      • <File_ID> - Identifier for a particular file.  
      • <Data_File> - Details about the type of file.
      • <Update_Indicator> - Specifies if the file is an update to a previous file.
      • <Requires_File_ID> - Indicates if a previous file is required.
      • <Data_Type> - Specifies the type of data within a file.
      • <Country> - Specifies the country to which the data applies.
      • <Publish_DT> - Indicates the date on which a file was published.
      • <Description> - Provides more details about the file.
      • <URL> - The link from which a file can be downloaded.

Content Set  

Content set captures the information that is downloaded from a content provider. Each time a status document is downloaded from a content provider, Oracle Global Trade Management (GTM) creates a content set record including the Content Source ID, the status of the download, dates, and a content set detail record showing information about each of the content types that were downloaded. In addition, certain data in the content set maps to data in the status document provided by the content provider:

Status Document Element

Content Set Field


Content Set ID

<File ID>

Content Set Detail ID (within Content Set Detail)


Is Update (within Content Set Detail)


Source Data Type (within Content Set Detail)


Source Country (within Content Set Detail)


Available Date (within Content Set Detail)


The statuses for content set tell you where the entire content set is in the process:


For each Content Set Detail record, you can also see a status which tells you the status for a particular content type:


Data Version

Data version is used to manage the different versions of data that are downloaded from content providers. Both restricted party data and classification data have a data version associated with them.

Restricted party data is delivered incrementally after the initial download of the master data file. What this means is that any time there are new restricted parties downloaded, they are added to the existing data version in GTM. Whenever a master version of restricted party data is downloaded, the Current flag of the previous version of data is marked as ‘N’ (Not Current). If you download a new master version of restricted party data, then all parties must undergo full screening against the new data version.

Classification data, on the other hand, is delivered as a complete set of data when downloaded. When classification data is received for a particular content type, a new data version is always created and marked as current. Previous versions will be marked as not current.

When a data version is created or updated, a ‘GtmDataVersionContentUpdated’ event is published and the Current check box is selected on the data version. An agent can be created to notify when this event is published. The Current check box applies to both restricted party data and classification data and is used by different logic and processes within GTM. Any restricted parties or product classification codes that are associated with a data version that has the Current check box selected will be subject to different processes and actions within GTM.

From the actions menu on the data version page, the Mark for Purge  action enables you to purge the previous data versions based on the age of the data, status information, or domain name. You can mark the data version that should be purged including restricted party data and product classification data. Then you can schedule the purge process which deletes all data related to the specified data version. It is recommended that older versions of product classification data be purged on a regular basis.

Note: It is recommended that before you download a new master version of restricted party data, you think through the impacts to your implementation. If you decide to change an active data version of restricted parties to inactive, then upon the next download, GTM will create a new data version and download a new set of restricted parties. All parties will then need to be screened against the new master list and any potential matches reviewed.

Restricted Party

When GTM downloads restricted party data, it will include information provided by the government agency that issues the list. The available data will vary depending on the government agency and may include:

  • First Name and Last Name
  • Company Name
  • Address information including City, State/Province, Country Code, Country Name, Postal Code
  • Driver License Number and Driver License Authority
  • Citizenship and Nationality
  • Denial Code
  • Entry Date and Entry ID
  • Agency Code
  • Ruling information including Ruling Volume, Ruling Page number, Federal Regulation Date, Federal Regulation URL
  • Effective Date and Expiration Date
  • Notes may include date of birth, place of birth, and passport information

Also see Restricted Parties help topic.

Product Classification Code

The product classification codes are the actual codes and associated data that are downloaded into GTM from content providers.

There are four categories of product classification codes supported in GTM: ECCN, HS, ML, and Schedule B. Depending on the category of product classification code being downloaded, different information is available. For example, the attributes for an ECCN code will differ from the attributes for an HS code, and are dependent on the information included in the published tariffs and lists. Each product classification code will have some combination of the following information:

  • Product Classification Code ID
  • Data Version ID
  • Product Classification Type and Product Classification Code
  • Effective Date and Expiration Date
  • Description
  • Attributes
  • Required Units of Measure
  • Notes

Note: The product classification download has been enhanced to additionally download Trade Program Types and Tariff Rates for HS classification.

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