Data Loading: Generic Setup

Regardless of whether you are downloading restricted party data or product classification data, following are the common elements that are used.

Note: It is recommended that you create all the necessary data loading configurations in the PUBLIC domain. In addition, the download process should be triggered from only the PUBLIC domain.

External System

An external system is used to connect to a content provider and download trade content. The external system contains the details needed to connect to the content provider such as a URL, user name, and password. Oracle Global Trade Management (GTM) uses HTTP/HTTPS to connect to the system provided by the content provider.

Content Type

The content type defines what kind of content you need and is usually specific to a country. At a high level, content type is either restricted party data or classification data. For classification data, you would also want to say the country for which the data applies. There is one record per country and data combination.

The recommended naming convention for content type is [type of classification data]-[2-character country code/region code]. If a separate export tariff is available, the recommended naming convention is [type of classification data]-EX-[2-character country code/region code]. A few examples are:

  • ECCN-US – Export Control Classification Number of the United States
  • HTS-EU – Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the European Union
  • ML-MY – Munitions List of Malaysia
  • HTS-EX-DE – Harmonized Tariff Schedule of Germany (Export)
  • HTS-X4 – Harmonized Tariff Schedule of Japan (10-digit list)

For example, you can add a content type if you want to receive the harmonized tariff for Brazil.

Navigate to Master Data > Power Data > Data Loading > Content Types.

  1. Enter a Content Type ID = HTS-BR.
  2. Select a Content Category = GTM_PROD_CLASS.
  3. Enter a Description = HTS-BR Product Classification.

Regardless of your content provider, a content type called RESTRICTED PARTY is available out-of-the-box for restricted party data.

Content Source

The content source defines the details of the content available from a provider and how it is mapped to the GTM structure. In addition, you specify details of the connectivity to the content provider including communication method and the external system ID.

In this example, since you want to receive the harmonized tariff for Brazil, you need to add information to the content source you are using for your classification data.

Navigate to Master Data > Power Data > Data Loading > Content Source.

In the appropriate content source record:

  1. Add a row to the Content Source Data Type section:
    • Enter a Sequence Number that makes sense for the content source you are editing.
    • Enter a Source Data Type = HSN (this must match the <Data_Type> in the status document of the content provider and may vary by content provider and type of content).
    • Enter a Source Country ID = BR (this must match the <Country> in the status document of the content provider and may vary by content provider and type of content).
    • Select the Supported check box.
    • Select the Content Type = HTS-BR (this is the Content Type created previously).
    • Click Save.
  2. Click the New Content Source Config button:
    • Enter a Configuration name.
    • Select the Active check box.
    • Enter a Communication Method (the preferred method is HTTPPOST).
    • Enter the External System ID you created previously.

Note: It is recommended that as part of implementation, you set up at least two different content source records: one for restricted party data and another for classification data.

Data Load Type

The data load type defines the details of the format of the files being received as well as the file names to expect. There is one record per country, data, and content provider combination. Within the data load type, the Loading Process Details field captures information necessary to process specific data into GTM. You can copy the loading process details from a similar data load type (i.e. for an HTS code, copy the loading process details from another HTS code; for an ECCN code, copy the loading process details from another ECCN code). For example, if you are adding a harmonized tariff for Brazil, you can view the Data Load Type = HTS-US_CI and copy the Loading Process Details from this record into the new record for Brazil.

The recommended naming convention for data load type is [type of classification data]-[2-character country code/region code]_[data content provider]. If there is a separate export tariff, the recommended naming convention is [type of classification data]-EX-[2-character country code/region code]_[data content provider]. A few examples are:

  • ECCN-US_CI – Export Control Classification Number of the United States (where ‘CI’ = the content provider)
  • HTS-EU_CI – Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the European Union
  • ML-MY_CI – Munitions List of Malaysia
  • HTS-EX-DE_CI – Harmonized Tariff Schedule of Germany (Export)
  • HTS-X4_CI – Harmonized Tariff Schedule of Japan (10-digit list)

In the Loading Process Details, there are four different options that can be specified:

  • gtm.server.workflow.dataload.viajava.CustomsInfoHtsDataLoad – This is used when setting up a Data Load Type for Harmonized Tariff Schedules or Schedule B.
  • gtm.server.workflow.dataload.viajava.CustomsInfoMunitionsListDataLoad – This is used when setting up a Data Load Type for Munitions Lists.
  • gtm.server.workflow.dataload.viajava.CustomsInfoEccnDataLoad – This is used when setting up a Data Load Type for Export Control Classification Number.
  • gtm.server.workflow.dataload.viajava.CIDeniedPartyDataLoader – This is used when setting up a Data Load Type for restricted party lists.

In this example, you want to receive the harmonized tariff for Brazil, so you can add the following data load type:

Navigate to Master Data > Power Data > Data Loading > Data Load Types.

  • Enter a Data Load Type ID = HTS-BR_CI (where ‘CI’ = the content provider).
  • Select a Content Type ID = HTS-BR (this is the Content Type created previously).
  • Select a Content Source = CUSTOMS INFO (or the content source you are using for your classification data).
  • Enter the Loading Process Details = gtm.server.workflow.dataload.viajava.CustomsInfoHtsDataLoad (this may vary depending on the type of content).
  • In the Data Load Type Files section:
    • Enter the first row including:
      • Enter a Sequence Number = 1.
      • Enter the File Name = MASTER_FILE.
      • Select the Is Required check box.
      • Click Save.
    • Enter the second row including:
      • Enter a Sequence Number = 2.
      • Enter the File Name = PARTS_FILE.
      • Select the Is Required check box.
      • Click Save.


There are a number of properties that are used during the data loading process. You can use the following properties to specify the path where the downloaded files are stored. The default values for each of the properties is also specified.   

  • gtm.dataload.basedir = $temp.dir$/dataload (where ‘temp.dir’ is the temp directory that you will provide as part of the GTM setup)
  • gtm.dataload. inputdir = $gtm.dataload.basedir$/input
  • gtm.dataload.outputdir = $gtm.dataload.basedir$/output
  • gtm.dataload.workingdir = $gtm.dataload.basedir$/output

You can also specify the maximum number of CSV result files to store in the database using the gtm.dataload.maxCsvResultFileToLoad property.

Refer to the gtm.dataload Properties help page for more details on properties related to data download.

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