Brokerage and Forwarding

Commercial Invoice

Commercial invoices are created from an order release using the Create Commercial Invoice action from the Order Release manager. For editing and viewing, they can also be accessed via Brokerage and Forwarding > Booking > Commercial Invoice.

A commercial invoice accompanies any international shipment and declares the value of the goods shipped, as well as the country of origin. For certain classes of products, more detailed information is required in the declaration. It is an itemized list of goods shipped, usually included among an exporter's collection papers. The commercial invoice is used by the importing country to value the shipment for classification and duty purposes.

The other charges section allows you to add and subtract additional charges from the product amount depending on what the initial and final terms of sales are. For example, the final terms of sale may be FAS (Free Along Side), meaning that all costs to get the goods from the origin location to the ramp at the port of load must be added into the cost of the goods because the buyer is paying for it. Other charges could entail freight insurance, etc.

  1. Enter a unique ID for the commercial invoice.
  2. Enter a unique Commercial Invoice Number for each invoice.
  3. Optionally, enter an Invoice Date and complete the remaining fields if desired. These fields are for information only.
  4. The Default Commercial Payment Terms and Commercial Payment Terms Override fields are limited to display payment method codes that have a type of "commercial" or "both."

    Note: When creating a commercial invoice from a single order, the following are copied from the order: Commercial Payment Terms, Incoterms, Incotext, Final Incoterms, and Final Incotext.

  5. Enter the Incoterm ID Override.
  6. Enter the Term Location Text Override.
  7. Enter the Final Incoterm ID Override.
  8. Enter the Final Term Location Text Override.
  9. Select whether you want the system exchange rate or a specific exchange rate to be used.
  10. If you selected System Exchange Rate:
    1. Select an exchange rate ID.
    2. Enter an exchange rate date.
    3. Select a to currency code.
  11. If you selected Specific Exchange Rate:
    1. Select a from currency code.
    2. Enter an exchange rate.
    3. Enter a to currency code.
  12. Enter a Product Amount. The product amount is the value of the goods that are sold to the customer. What is included in this product amount depends on the initial terms of sale. For example, if the initial terms of sale was EXWORKS, the product amount does not include any other charges. You can enter this value manually or it can be calculated (by selecting the Calculate Product Amount check box next to it) based on the Total Billed Amount for all the line items included on the invoice. The total billed amount is defined on each freight forwarding order release line item along with the price per unit and total quantity.
  13. Select the Calculate Product Amount check box to have this value calculated when you click the Calculate Invoice Totals button at the bottom of the page.
  14. Enter a value in the Other Charges field.
  15. Select a Charge ID.
  16. Use the Activity field to determine whether to add, subtract or ignore the value you enter for the charge. If the Activity is Add/Subtract, the value impacts the Total Other Charges as a plus or minus. Use Ignore when you want to list the charge but not have it impact the Total Invoice Amount. You can record as many additional charges as you need. The Other Charges Total field displays the total of all charges after you click Calculate Invoice Totals at the bottom of the page.
  17. Click Save for each charge you enter.
  18. Select the Calculate Total Invoice Amount check box to calculate the total invoice amount field.
  19. Enter a value in the Total Invoice Amount field or calculate the value by clicking the Calculate Invoice Totals button. This field identifies the Total Amount of the invoice which is the Product Amount + Other Charges Total. This can be manually entered or calculated if you mark the Calculate Total Invoice Amount check box and click Calculate Invoice Totals at the bottom of the page.
  20. Click Finished.

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