Brokerage and Forwarding

Freight Forwarding: Line Item

This page is accessed via Brokerage and Forwarding > Booking > Freight Forwarding. Then click on the Line Item tab.

This page displays the attributes of an order release line item. These are the general attributes for the line item and are not specific to any ship unit. Many of the attributes that appear here are the same as those that are available on the standard order base and order release managers.

Adding a Freight Forwarding Line Item

  1. Enter an Order Release Line ID.
  2. Enter a Packaged Item ID.
  3. If you have entered a packaged item ID, click the Product Data Assignment button.
  4. Enter an Item ID.
  5. Enter the Total Package Count.
  6. Enter the Packaging Unit Count.
  7. Select a Packaging Unit.
  8. Enter the Weight and/or Volume. Choose a unit of measure for each.
  9. Enter the Secondary Net Weight and/or Net Volume. Since some international shipping documentation requires weight and volume to appear in multiple units of measure, you can use the Secondary Net Weight & Volume per Ship Unit to specify this information. These values are not used in rating or planning and are only for informational/documentation purposes.
  10. Enter the Buy/Sell Side General Ledger Code.
  11. For informational purposes enter the Brand Name of the item.
  12. Enter the Number of Layers on Transport Handling Unit.
  13. Enter the Quantities per Layer.
  14. Select a Transport Handling Unit to define what the item is shipped on, such as a pallet. Transport handling units are a type of ship unit specification.
  15. Enter Tags.
  16. Enter the location where the line item was produced in the Manufactured Country Code field.
  17. Select the Drawback check box if this item was imported into a country and then re-exported. You mark items for drawback to reclaim duties paid on the item when it was imported. This check box is for information only.

Commercial Invoice Information

Use this section of the page to record the following invoice details for a line item. These values are used to populated data on the commercial invoice when you use the Create Commercial Invoice action.

  1. Enter the Billed Quantity, Type and UOM. Use a combination of these fields to determine the line item quantity to bill by ship unit specification (or packaging unit), weight, or volume.
  2. Enter the Price per Unit for the line item.
  3. Enter a Commercial Invoice Description.
  4. Enter the Total Billed Amount for the goods shipped. The value is used to calculate the product and total invoice amount on the invoice.

    Use the Calculate Total Billed Amount button to calculate the total billed amount. In order for the Calculate Total Billed Amount Button to work, the Billed Quantity and Price Per Unit fields need to be populated.
  5. Enter the Declared Value.
  6. Enter the Free Along Side. The free along side is the cost of the materials and freight up to the point the goods are being loaded onto the vessel. It never includes ocean freight. It would include the cost of the goods, inland transportation, wharfage, warehouse, and packaging fees to get the goods to the point. This value is used by the Census Department along with the Schedule B number to keep track of the value of goods that are being exported out of the country.


You can also assign item attribute values and qualifiers on the item on the Item Manager: Features page.

  1. Enter an Item Attribute Value.
  2. Enter an Item Attribute Qualifier that describes the feature for the item.
  3. Click Save for each item attribute value you define.

Text Templates

Use this section to assign a document text template.


Use this section to record remarks and remark qualifiers.

Reference Numbers

Use this section to assign reference numbers.

Involved Parties

Use this section to assign contacts/contact groups as involved parties to the order.


This section shows export license information. Export license data can be maintained at the product level or item as master data or at the order release level as transactional data (data that is specific to each order).

Import/Export Classification

Click the New Global Classification button. The resulting page records Import/Export HTS and Schedule B information.


This section identifies whether the freight forwarding order line is considered hazardous and allows you to supply transactional hazardous data at the order level instead of using the Hazardous Material Manager. The information defaults from the Hazardous Material page and the Hazardous Item page, with the Hazardous Item data taking precedence.

During planning, Oracle Transportation Management first considers this Hazardous flag, then the packaged item to determine whether a shipment is hazardous.

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