Brokerage and Forwarding

Creating a Spot Rate

Creating a spot rate is quicker than creating normal rates, since the entry screen is simpler. However, these rates are still saved to the database as real rates, flagged as spot rates, and can then be turned into real rates. They can be turned into real rates by copying the rate record and selecting a valid rate offering type. The new Spot Rate page incorporates all the elements of the current multi-tab entry into one screen. It also enables you to add remarks and reference numbers.

To create spot rates, you need a service provider and a rate offering with a rate offering type of "Spot rate". Creating a spot rate prompts you for the service provider and the rate offering, if multiple rate offerings exist with a type of 'Spot rate' that the spot rate is to be created against.

Accessing Spot Rates from Quotes

From the Cost Options tab on the Quote Manager, navigate to the Spot Rate page by the following steps:

  1. Click Manually Add Cost Options.
  2. Click the Add button next to Sell Shipping Details. The Cost Option Shipment page opens.
  3. Click Create Spot Rate.
  4. Click OK after populating this page.
  5. Create Spot Rates (see below).

Accessing Spot Rates from Shipments

From Shipments:

  1. Select the shipment for which to create a spot rate and click Actions.
  2. Select Change Shipment Details, then Create Spot Rate.
  3. Click OK after populating this page.
  4. Create Spot Rates (see below).

Creating Spot Rates

  1. Enter a Rate Record ID to define this rate. If left blank, this is created by Business Number Generator.

    Note: The Rate Offering ID and Service Provider populate from the Create Spot Rate page.

  2. If using Dimensional Weight rate basis, enter a DIM Rate Factor.
  3. Enter either the Source Geo Hierarchy or the Source Region. This adds a field or two depending on the value selected. For example, if you select Location, a new field Location ID appears; if you select Postal Code, a Postal Code field appears.
  4. Enter either the Destination Geo Hierarchy or the Destination Region. This adds a field or two depending on the value selected.
  5. Enter an Expiration Date for the spot rate. By default, this is 30 days from the current day.
  6. The Quote check box, is selected by default if creating a quote and not selected by default when creating spot rates from shipments. If selected, it is for quotes only and cannot be used for finding rates such as, Rate Inquiry, International Rate Inquiry, or building a shipment.
  7. Enter the VIA Source location and destination and their profiles.
  8. Enter the Amount and the Basis to be used in the rate cost. Depending on the basis selected, a Value field or Unit field appears. Enter the appropriate information.
  9. If you want to enter an accessorial:
    1. Enter the Accessorial Code ID.
    2. Enter the Accessorial Cost ID.
    3. Click Save.


      Enter the Accessorial Code ID.
    4. To create a new accessorial cost, click Create Accessorial Cost.
  10. If you want to enter a special service, click New Special Service.
  11. Enter an additional Reference Number and Reference Number Qualifier, if you want. This auto-populates based on the method used to create the spot rate to identify how the spot rate was created. For example, if created from a quote, the reference number is 'Quote' and the reference number qualifier is 'spot rate create method'.
  12. Enter a Remark Qualifier and Remark Text to add information about the spot rates. The contact name, phone number and email from the previous page, Create Spot Rate, populate here.
  13. Click Finished. The Cost Option Shipment page opens.
  14. Click Save. The Quote Cost Option page opens.
  15. Click Save. The Quote manager page opens.
  16. Click Finished.


    Continue adding the Remarks on the Quote.

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