Business Process Automation

Alphabetic Instructions

Each business number rule has a rule definition. Rule definitions contain the instructions that the Business Number Generator (BNG) uses to create the sequence of numbers, letters, and other characters that comprise business number types. This is entered in the Rule Definition field in the Business Number Rule page. This page is accessed via Business Process Automation > Power Data > Business Numbers > Business Number Rules.

Alphabetic instructions specify rule definitions that include sequences of letters and other non-numeric characters. In alphabetic instructions, each ASCII digit is indicated by the letter " c". For example, { cc} specifies AA, AB, AC,..., ZZ, AA,....

"An asterisk after the "c" or "n" indicates that the sequence may grow. For example, {c*} specifies A, B, C,..., AA, AB, AC,..., ZZ, AAA, AAB, etc. This removes the need to use multiple c's; for example {ccc} or multiple n's, for example {nnn}. However, an 'end' value is still required up to which the Business Rule may grow; for example {c*:end=ZZZZZ}".

This table describes the arguments that specifically modify alphabetic instructions.

Alphabetic Arguments



Specifies the first character in a sequence. For example, {cc: fromChar=C} specifies CC, CD, CE,..., DC, DD, DE, etc. The default value is A.


Specifies the last character in a sequence. For example, {cc: toChar=C} specifies AA, AB, AC, BA, BB, BC, CA, etc. The default value is Z.


Specifies the initial string of characters. For example, {cc: start=BA} specifies BA, BB, BC, etc.


Specifies the terminating string of characters. For example, {cc: end=AZ} specifies AA, AB,..., AZ, AA,....

Note: If you use both fromChar/ toChar and start/end in an instruction, make sure that both arguments are compatible.

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