Business Process Automation

Numeric Instructions

Each business number rule has a rule definition. Rule definitions contain the instructions that the Business Number Generator (BNG) uses to create the sequence of numbers, letters, and other characters that comprise business number types. This is entered in the Rule Definition field in the Business Number Rule page.

Numeric instructions specify rule definitions that include sequences of numbers. In a numeric instruction, each digit in a numeric sequence is indicated by the letter "n". For example, the instruction {nnnn} specifies this series of numbers: 0000, 0001,..., 9999, 0000....

An asterisk placed after a single "n" indicates that numbers of any size will be generated up to the value of the End argument. If there is not End argument declared there is no cap to the size of the numbers generated. Excluding the End argument is not recommended.

An asterisk after multiple "n"s, such as "nn*" behaves differently if there is no End argument. The numbers will be generated for the length of the "n"s, and will stop when the number of "n"s have been exceeded, but only when no End argument is in place. For example, "nn*" with no End argument will generate numbers from 01-99. The two "n"s indicate the numbers should be two characters long, e.g. 02, 89, 45. When you would exceed two characters, such as when you reach 100, the number generation will stop due to an error. This only takes effect if there is no End argument.

The minimum length is the number of "n"s preceding the asterisk. For example, { nn*} specifies 00, 01, 02,..., 99.

This table describes the two arguments that specifically modify numeric instructions.

Numeric Arguments



Specifies the first number in a sequence. For example, { nnnn:start=1000} specifies 1000, 1001, 1002, etc. The default value is zero.


Specifies the last number in a sequence. For example, { nnnn: end=4999} specifies 0000, 0001,..., 4999. The default value is determined by the length of the sequence (for example, nnn=999). Excluding the End argument is not recommended.

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