Business Process Automation

Document Validation Rule

This page is accessed via Business Process Automation > Power Data > Document Generation > Document Validation.

Before generating content for a standard document, the system validates the transaction for the specific document type. For each document type, you can add a set of document checks. A document check determines if the business object (e.g. shipment) meets some criteria. The criteria can be specified as:
  • A saved condition
  • An XPath specification
If all document checks are successful, the content is available to be generated. If the conditions fail, the system either:
  • Apply an auto assignment rule to populate valid data.
  • Report an error and a solution, stopping the generation.

A user action, Validate, is available for each standard document to check whether its document checks are currently met. This is a transactional action (e.g. shipment or trade) that validates a specific standard document.

Adding a Document Validation Rule:

Create document checks by adding a document validation rule.

  1. Enter a Document Validation Rule ID.
  2. Select a Domain.
  3. Enter a Document Type which will be validated against when generating content for standard documents.
  4. Enter a Data Query Type to apply the document validations by the type of business object, as well as the document type. One document type can support multiple business objects (data query type).
  5. Select a Review Status. If the document is in this status then the validation rule will be used.

Note: The system blocks any changes to finalized documents via agent gates. To apply document validation to a finalized document, the default agent gates for updating a document must be disabled.


Specify the conditions to meet when validating a document for generation.

  1. Enter a Saved Condition ID. If any saved query owned by the condition matches the shipment, the shipment is valid for the document.


  1. Enter an XPath Root. The system builds integration XML for the business object and tests that XML against XPath criteria. The XPath can check for a single attribute or all similar attributes on a set of child branches. For example, you can specify XPath to ensure that the shipment pickup date is prior to the delivery date, or you can check that no ship units are hazardous. A null XPath root avoids an XPath check.
  2. Enter an XPath Test.
  3. Enter an Out XML Profile ID. A null out XML profile implies an inclusion of all XML elements, which can have a serious impact on performance.


The resolution is used if the document check is not successful during validation. The system then uses either an auto assign rule to populate date, or stops the process and sends the specified error message.

  1. Enter an Auto Assign Rule ID. The auto assign rule is used to populate valid data. Note that the application of assignment rules limits what data may be populated in response to check failures.


  1. Enter an Error Translation ID. If the generation was due to an agent action, the action can supply an optional contact and communication method for error notification.
  2. Enter a Solution Translation ID.
  3. Click Finished.

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