Shipment Management

Shipment Accessorial or Special Service

Access the Shipment Manager page via Shipment Management > Shipment Management > Buy Shipments (or Sell Shipments) and click the Financials tab. Scroll to the bottom of the tab to the Accessorial Code section and click New Shipment Accessorial or click New Shipment Special Service depending on which page you want to work with.

Use the Shipment Accessorial page and the Shipment Special Service page respectively to assign Accessorial and/or Special Service Codes to represent additional charges to the shipment. These codes have an associated cost defined that is calculated and applied to the shipment if the same codes are assigned to the rate that was used to calculate cost for the shipment. Each additional charge appears as an Accessorial Cost Type in the Shipment Cost Detail grid.

Note: You can make Accessorial/Special Service charges fixed on a shipment by editing the appropriate charge and marking the Cost Fixed check box. This way, the charges are not recalculated each time a shipment is re-rated.

Selecting the Process As Flow Through check box copies all accessorial and special service costs from the buy-side to the sell-side during the sell shipment rating process. Only buy shipment accessorial and special service costs related to the order on the sell shipment will be copied.

Note: The Process As Flow Through check box is only applicable to Buy Shipments.

Assign the cost an Adjustment Reason to specify why a cost adjustment was made. This is carried through the financials process and passed along to both the customer bill and the carrier invoice.

Order Release

The Order Release Line ID field can be used to associate the charges to a specific order release line item for allocation purposes. By default, all Accessorial/Special Service charges are automatically associated with each line item on the order release.


You can add remarks and remark qualifiers to the shipment cost.

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