Shipment Management

View Shipment Overview

This page is accessed via Shipment Management > Shipment Management > View Shipment Overview.

Use this page to display related order releases and order movements for the shipment. It can also be accessed via the Buy Shipments SmartLinks or the Sell Shipments SmartLinks. If accessed via the menu, the page is blank. If accessed via SmartLinks, the data for the related shipment appears. Most of the data is for viewing and information only. You can add and remove order releases and order movements in the display, not the shipment. There are some shipment properties that affect the display.

The following properties allow you to configure this page:

See the Shipment topic for details on the fields from the Header through the Stops sections.


This section contains high level shipment details such as Shipment ID, Transport Mode Service Provider and Total Weight. This section also has links to Statuses, Actions and SmartLinks.

Click the Go/Refresh button after making any changes to see the most up-to-date information.


This section displays the consol and consolidation type of the shipment, if exists.


This section displays voyage details, if exists.


This section displays flight details, if exists.


Details of the stops are displayed including stop number, activity of stop, location and planned arrival and departure times.

Order Releases

This section displays the order releases on the shipment. There is an Actions button to run actions directly. Next to the Actions button,there are two numbers, for example 2/2. This shows the number of order releases shown and the total number of order releases on the shipment.

The details display for the order releases. For details on these fields, see the Order Release topic. The property glog.shipment_overview.max_order_releases determines how many order releases display on this page.

The Total Weight and Total Volume fields provide the totals for the selected order releases. Select the order releases by selecting the check box to the far left of the line. An order release needs a weight/volume to be included in the total.

The bottom of the section has Add and Remove buttons. The Add button opens a Finder page. This page automatically limits your search to order releases that are on the current shipment. Choosing Refine Query still enforces this. However, if you select New Query or select a Saved Query, this limitation will NOT be enforced.

Note: The Remove button allows you to add and remove order releases from the list displayed. It does not add or remove them from the shipment.

Order Movements

This section displays the order movements on the shipment. There is an Actions button to run actions directly. Next to the Actions button, there are two numbers, for example 2/2. This shows the number of order movements shown and the total number of order movements on the shipment.

The details display for the order movements. For details on these fields, see the Order Movements topic. The property glog.shipment_overview.max_order_movements determines how many order movements display on this page.

The Total Weight and Total Volume fields provide the totals for the selected order movements. Select the order movements by selecting the check box to the far left of the line. An order movements needs a weight/volume to be included in the total.

The bottom of the section has Add and Remove buttons. The Add button opens a Finder page. This page automatically limits your search to order movements that are on the current shipment. Choosing Refine Query still enforces this. However, if you select New Query or select a Saved Query, this limitation will NOT be enforced.

Note: This allows you to add and remove order movements from the list displayed. It does not add or remove them from the shipment.

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