Transportation Intelligence

Main Dashboard: Fleet Dashboard

Prompts Used: Year Month Period Prompt

This tab contains the following sections:

Fleet Utilization - Driver Distance

This report shows the break down by bobtail, deadhead, and loaded distance for all drivers in vertical bar graph.

The report for this section is located in the catalog in /Shared Folders/FTI Reports/_portal/Fleet Dashboard/Fleet Utilization Loaded Deadhead Bobtail Miles all Drivers


Metadata Mapping

Primary Driver GID

"- Shipment Driver Dimensions"."Primary Driver GID"

Loaded Distance

"- Shipment Facts"."Loaded Distance Base"

Deadhead Distance

"- Shipment Facts"."Deadhead Distance Base"

Bobtail Distance

"- Shipment Facts"."Bobtail Distance Base"


Fleet Utilization - Power Unit Distance

This report shows the break down by bobtail, deadhead, and loaded distance for all power units in vertical bar graph.

The report for this section is located in the catalog in /Shared Folders/FTI Reports/FTI New Reports/Fleet Dashboard/ Fleet Utilization Loaded Deadhead Bobtail Miles all PowerUnit


Metadata Mapping

Power Unit GID

"- Shipment Power Unit Dimensions"."Power Unit GID"

Loaded Distance

"- Shipment Facts"."Loaded Distance Base"

Deadhead Distance

"- Shipment Facts"."Deadhead Distance Base"

Bobtail Distance

"- Shipment Facts"."Bobtail Distance Base"


Performance Metrics – Fleet

This report displays % on time by pickup and delivery only for fleet customers in a vertical bar graph.

The report for this section is located in the catalog in /Shared Folders/FTI Reports/FTI New Reports/Fleet Dashboard/ Percentage On Time by Pickup Delivery Total all Service Providers for Fleet


Metadata Mapping

Actual Service Provider GID

"- Shipment Service Provider Dimensions"."Actual Service Provider GID"

% On Time Pickup

"- Shipment Stop Pickup Facts"."% On Time Pickup"

% On Time Delivery

"- Shipment Stop Delivery Facts"."% On Time Delivery"

Actual Service Provider Type

"- Shipment Service Provider Dimensions"."Actual Service Provider Type"


Performance Metrics – Non Fleet

This report displays % on time by pickup and delivery only for non-fleet customers in a vertical bar graph.

The report for this section is located in the catalog in /Shared Folders/FTI Reports/FTI New Reports/Fleet Dashboard/ Percentage On Time by Pickup Delivery Total all Service Providers for NonFleet


Metadata Mapping

Actual Service Provider GID

"- Shipment Service Provider Dimensions"."Actual Service Provider GID"

% On Time Pickup

"- Shipment Stop Pickup Facts"."% On Time Pickup"

% On Time Delivery

"- Shipment Stop Delivery Facts"."% On Time Delivery"

Actual Service Provider Type

"- Shipment Service Provider Dimensions"."Actual Service Provider Type"


Cost Metrics – Fleet

This report displays cost per mile and cost per weight only for fleet customers in a line graph.

The report for this section is located in the catalog in /Shared Folders/FTI Reports/FTI New Reports/Fleet Dashboard/Cost per Mile and Weight all Service Providers for Fleet


Metadata Mapping

Actual Service Provider GID

"- Shipment Service Provider Dimensions"."Actual Service Provider GID"

Actual Cost Base per Distance

"- Shipment Facts"."Actual Cost Base per Distance"

Actual Cost Base per CWT

"- Shipment Facts"."Actual Cost Base per CWT"

Actual Service Provider Type

"- Shipment Service Provider Dimensions"."Actual Service Provider Type"


Cost Metrics – Non Fleet

This report displays cost per mile and cost per weight only for non-fleet customers in a line graph.

The report for this section is located in the catalog in /Shared Folders/FTI Reports/FTI New Reports/Fleet Dashboard/Cost per Mile and Weight all Service Providers for Non Fleet


Metadata Mapping

Actual Service Provider GID

"- Shipment Service Provider Dimensions"."Actual Service Provider GID"

Actual Cost Base per Distance

"- Shipment Facts"."Actual Cost Base per Distance"

Actual Cost Base per CWT

"- Shipment Facts"."Actual Cost Base per CWT"

Actual Service Provider Type

"- Shipment Service Provider Dimensions"."Actual Service Provider Type"


Driver Utilization

This report displays actual time driven, actual time worked and non-work time only for fleet customers in vertical bar graph.

The report for this section is located in the catalog in /Shared Folders/FTI Reports/FTI New Reports/Fleet Dashboard/ Driver Utilization Actual Driven Worked NonWork Time for Fleet


Metadata Mapping

Actual Time Driven Base

"- Driver Facts"."Actual Time Driven Base"

Actual Time Worked Base

"- Driver Facts"."Actual Time Worked Base"

Non Work Time Base

"- Driver Facts"."Non Work Time Base"

Actual Service Provider Type

"- Driver Service Provider Dimensions"."Actual Service Provider Type"

OTM Driver GID

"- Driver Dimensions"."OTM Driver GID"


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