Executing Reactive (Emergency) Replenishment

In emergency situations that require quick replenishment, you can use the reactive replenishment functionality to instantly allocate a location for replenishment. This scenario uses a stand-alone RF module called “Reactive Replenishment”. Here, you simply scan the location that needs to be replenished with the RF and WMS creates a replenishment task. Depending on the RF’s parameter setting, you may or may not execute that replenishment on the spot.

  1. Go to the “Reactive Replenishment” RF module.
  2. In the “Locn:” field, scan the location to replenish. The RF displays the message “Replenishment submitted for location [area]”. This basically runs a replenishment wave for the scanned location.
  3. If a replenishment task is generated, depending on the RF’s parameters, you may execute the replenishment on the spot. To do so, press Ctrl-A to proceed.
  4. Perform the replenishment as described in previous sections.