Load Assignment

WMS can be configured to assign OBLPNs to OB Loads either automatically or manually.

Automatic Load Assignment

To enable automatic assignment of loads for packed OBPLNs, the facility parameter ASSIGN_LOAD_WHEN_PACKED must be set to “Yes”. This means that whenever an OBLPN’s status is updated to “Packed”, it is assigned an Outbound Load number.

By default, there are two ways in which WMS assigns LPNs to Loads:

  1. By the order's unique "Route number".
  2. By the Order’s combination of “Ship To Name” and “Ship to Address 1”.

If the order has a route number populated, all outbound cartons associated to this order will have their own Outbound Load. If there are other orders with the same route number, all of its cartons will be moved to this Load as well.


Order 1 & 2 have the route number = ‘ROUTE1’

Order 3 has the route number = ‘ROUTE2’

When cartons associated to all these orders are packed, cartons from Orders one and two will be assigned LOAD1, while cartons from Order three will be assigned LOAD2.

If the order’s route number field is blank, then WMS will look at the Order’s “Ship to Name” and “Ship to Address 1” fields. The combination of these two fields will become the criteria for creating a new Load number.


Order 1 is destined to ORACLE WMS CLOUD with address 1st Street.

Order 2 is destined to ORACLE WMS CLOUD with address 2nd Street.

Because each order has different Ship to Name and Address combinations, each order will be assigned different Loads.

Manual Load Assignment

Users can also manually define the Load that an order or OBLPN is assigned to.

  1. Enter the RF module “Assign to Load”.
  2. Enter the Load number that the Order or LPN will be assigned to. This may be either a new or existing Load number.
  3. Scan the Order/LPN that needs to be assigned to the Load scanned from step #2.


  • The option of scanning either an Order or an LPN must be configured in the RF’s parameters under the “Screens” tab.
    • Go to the “Screens” tab.
    • Search for the “Assign to Load” screen.
    • Select the screen and click on the Details () button.
    • Select the parameter and click the Edit () button.
    • In the “Module parm choice” drop-down, select either “Scan Order” or “Scan OBLPN”.
  • The RF module will not allow you to re-assign orders that contain OBLPNs that are in “Loaded” status in other Loads. In this case, you must unload these OBLPNs to reassign them into a new Load.
  • Once the Load number is populated, it will stay populated until “Ctrl + X” or “Ctrl + W” is pressed to account for any pending assignments.