Pack and Hold Functionality

Pack and Hold is the process of temporarily holding packed containers in a separate area prior to shipping. Oracle WMS Cloud has a special location type called “Pack and Hold”, which is where all the related containers will be sent.

Configuring a Pack and Hold Location Type

  1. Go to the Locations screen.
  2. Create a new location using the Create button.
  3. Populate all the required fields. In the “Type” field, select “Pack and Hold” from the drop-down menu.
  4. Click “Save”.

Moving OBLPNs to a Pack and Hold Location

  1. From the RF Dynamic Staging Transaction (module: rf.outbound.cwrfdynamicstagingcntr) select your desired screen parameter choice from pack-and-hold-mode. (stage first, then Pack and Hold, or Pack and Hold directly)
  2. Enter the Pallet/OBLPN to be moved.
  3. In the “Pck/Hd Loc:” prompt, enter the location to move that carton to. Note that the system will suggest a Pack and Hold location, but you may override this suggestion.
  4. Scan the Pack and Hold location and the pallet number that it will be placed to.
Note: There is no validation process in Pack and Hold. For example, users can mix multiple orders into the same Pack and Hold location.