Outbound Stops

The Outbound Stops screen (available from Outbound Loads, details) shows the load information, and orders that are part of the load (available in a hyperlink). Once you select the Num orders hyperlink, The Orders on Stop screen provides a summary of all the orders that belong to a particular Stop at the Order Header level. It provides useful information, such as the percentage of the order that is packed or loaded.

Action Buttion Description
LPNs on Stop A new window shows you the LPNs on Stop, and allows you to add new LPNs
Stopgdd New pop up window comes up where you can fill out information and submit it
GDD Summary You will get custom implementation of GDD.
Load Stop Provides the ability to select an OB Stop record from the existing ‘OB Stop’ screen and load all the corresponding OBLPNs in ‘Packed’ status.