Repack Configuration – Adding the RF Module

  1. Go to the “Module” screen.
  2. Select the RF module “RF-Text: Repack OBLPN”.
  3. Once the screen is added, enter its details to configure its parameters.
  4. Click Save.

See the following table for a description of parameters:

Parameter name Value Description
Print-extras None|Packing Slip

When the parameter is set to 'None', system will not print the OBLPN packing slip.

When the parameter is set to 'Packing Slip', system will print the OBLPN packing slip when a 'To OBLPN' goes to “packed” status.

Print-to-oblpn-label None|No|Yes

When the parameter is set to 'No' or none, system will not prompt for printer to print shipping label.

When the parameter is set to 'Yes', system will prompt for printer to print shipping label. If printer is not scanned system and user tabs on printer prompt, system will consider default printer configured for the user.

Restrict-multiorder-comb None|No|Yes

When the parameter is set to 'No' or none, system will allow users to scan To OBLPN having different order.

When the parameter is set to 'Yes', system will prevent packing inventory into a 'To LPN' belonging to an order different from the From LPN's order . RF will return the message “multi-order not allowed”.

Req-lpn-type None|No|Yes

When the parameter is set to 'No' or none, system will not prompt for 'LPN type' for 'To LPN'.

When the parameter is set to 'Yes' , users will be prompted to scan the 'LPN type' after scanning the 'To LPN'. This is applicable only for repacking of non-cubed LPNs.

Req-pack-station Yes None|No|Yes

When the parameter is set to 'No' or none, users will not be promoted to scan pack station location.

When the parameter is set to 'Yes', users will be prompted to scan the Packing station location.

  • None|Yes|No

When the parameter is set to 'No' or none, system will not prompt for LPN type when 'To LPN' is packed.

On setting value to 'Yes', the system will prompt for LPN type only when all the inventory from "From LPN" is moved to "To LPN" and parameter "cmbne-one-src-to-one-lpn" is set to Yes.

  • Users need to provide a valid rule 'description' as configured on 'Column Ordering UI'

When not configured, the system will not consider column ordering rule for label printing

When configured, the system will print OBLPN labels based on the Label type configured in Column Ordering>>OBLPN Label Type.


None|Order type

When the parameter is set to none(blank), the system will not display any additional info related to Order.

When the parameter is set to 'Order Type', then on scanning a 'From OBLPN', the system will display the order type associated with the order of the 'From OBLPN'


None|Do not auto populate the to oblpn |Auto populate the to oblpn

When the parameter is set to 'Do not auto populate' or none, the system will not pre-populate 'To LPN'. Users will be prompted to scan the LPN number

When the parameter is set to 'Auto populate the to oblpn', then on scanning 'From LPN' and SKU, system will pre-populate the 'To LPN'(System will populate the 'To OBLPN' which is generated during wave (cubing mode - Calculate OBLPN Type and cube at packing))

close-oblpn-status None|Packed|Picked

When the parameter is set to 'Packed' or none, then upon Close OBLPN, the system marks the 'To OBLPN' status to 'Packed'

When the parameter is set to 'Picked', then upon Close OBLPN, the system will change the 'To OBLPN' status to 'Picked'

Note: Regardless of the configuration of the new parameter 'close-oblpn-status', the system will not allow to combine inventory from a 'Picked' OBLPN into a 'Packed' OBLPN and vice-versa.

cmbne-one-src-to-one-lpn None|No|Yes

When the parameter is set to 'No' or none, the system allows user to pack source LPN into multiple OBLPNs

When the parameter is set to 'Yes', the system restricts packing source LPN into multiple OBLPNs. This configuration is suggested for scenarios where RF Repack OBLPN is used for repacking of Non cubed LPNs

Note: If company parameter "USE-SEQ_CTR_BY_DEST_COMP" is set to YES and if there is no final OBLPN allocated, then the system generates a OBLPN according to Destination sequence counter corresponding Order in the From OBLPN. Also, the systems will display an error message if the FROM OBLPN is associated with multiple Orders that is destined to different destination.

  • None|No|Yes

When the parameter is set to 'No', the system will end the 'To OBLPN' for any inventory moved from the 'From LPN'.

When the parameter is set to 'Yes' or none, users will have to end the 'To LPN'

  • None|No|Yes

When the parameter is set to 'No' or none, the system will not allow substituting different OBLPN number against the cubed 'To LPN'.

When the parameter is set to 'Yes', the system will allow substituting blind OBLPN number in lieu of cubed 'To OBLPN'. This is allowed only if the cubed OBLPN does not have any inventory picked into it yet.

Click “Save”.
Note: if the parameter “req-pack-station” is enabled, locations of type “Packing Station” need to be created.
  1. Go to the “Locations” screen.
  2. Click the (+) Create button to add a new location.
  3. Populate the necessary fields. In the “Location Type” field, select “Packing Station”.